Loadrunner se guide bskimatkbscom co kr
LoadRunner SE Guide ? ?? ? bskim kbscom co kr ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? CPurpose of this Presentation ? Educate SE ? s on the LoadTesting Methodology presented to the customer on the ?rst day of a QuickStart ? Ensure that appropriate expectations are set with customers - PRIOR TO TEST ? Better understand what it takes to perform a successful LoadTest CLoadTest Implementation Process Execution Results Preparation Development Analysis Summary Start Testing Finish Testing Go Live CPlanning ? Objectives Goals of LoadTest ? System Analysis and Design ? LoadRunner H W and S W ? DB Refresh Strategy and SUT ? Monitoring Tools ? LoadRunner Product Training CPlanning - Objectives Goals FOR EXAMPLE ? Stability - Will concurrent users crash the system ? Reliability - Do all the Business transactions work properly under load ? Performance - Is the performance acceptable according to the speci ?cations CPlanning - Analysis Design ? Designing a Scenario ?? Who are the users ?? How many users are there ?? What do they do ?? How often do they do it ? What do you want to measure transactions ?? Entire Business Process Post Journal Entry ?? All SQL tra ?c ?? Speci ?c DB inserts or updates CPlanning - Analysis Design Task Distribution Diagram AM AM System Backup AM PM Emulated PM Hour Create Invoices Accounts Payable Create Sales Orders Display Sales Orders Transferring Materials to the Vendors Changing Orders Sales Create Invoices Accounts Receivable Calling Human Resources Information System PM PM AM Delivery Due List Good Issued Billing Due List Invoice Printing White area is daytime online processing Gray area is nighttime batch processing CPlanning - Analysis Design Transaction Volume Estimate Number of Transactions Concurrent Reports and Print Users Requests Sales Orders Entry Sales Return Processing Change Sales Order Delivery Due List Change Delivery Packing Picking Invoice Printing Average transactions user hour Peak transactions user hour CPlanning - LoadRunner H W ? What type of hardware required to support number of users ?? OS RAM Disk CPU ? Where to place driver machines ? WAN LAN Network simulations ? GUI DB Vusers CPlanning - LoadRunner H W Load Generation GUI virtual user Host ?? DB vusers System Under Test DB virtual user Host ?? DB vusers Host ?? GUI vuser WAN Application Server Controller Database Server CPlanning - SUT ? Scripting and Execution environment ? Stable environment ?? con ?guration ?? data loaded with Master and Transactional ?? completed System and Functional Testing ? DB refresh strategy ?? Between runs CPlanning - Monitoring Tools ? LoadRunner Monitoring Tools ? Database Tools ? Network Sni ?ers ? H W Operating System CPlanning - Who ? Project Lead - ?? Objective Goals and Project Plans ? LoadRunner Team - ?? Analysis Design and Training ? Technical System Sta ? - ?? System Under Test ? Functional Experts - ?? Analysis and Design CDevelopment ? LR Script Development ?? GUI - WinRunner ?? DB - VuGen ? ??Test ? Data creation
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- Publié le Sep 28, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 48.8kB