Nikon field guide The essential pocketbook for Nikon users Photography Field Guide PAGES All you need to become a better photographer DEPTH OF FIELD EXPLAINED The aperture you use is the main factor in dictating how much of the scene appears sharp The nar

The essential pocketbook for Nikon users Photography Field Guide PAGES All you need to become a better photographer DEPTH OF FIELD EXPLAINED The aperture you use is the main factor in dictating how much of the scene appears sharp The narrower the aperture opening and the larger the f-stop number the more of the image will be in focus LESS DEPTH OF FIELD f Wider apertures less depth of ?eld f f Mid-apertures best image quality f f MORE DEPTH OF FIELD Narrower apertures more depth of ?eld f the SPEED Scale EXPLAINED Just like aperture settings and ISOs shutter speeds go in a ?xed sequence although sometimes intermediate values are used too One stop shutter open twice as long Fast shutter speeds sharp images of moving subjects Slow shutter speeds blurred images of moving subjects SLOW SHUTTER SPEED LOW SENSITIVITY FAST SHUTTER SPEED HIGH SENSITIVITY Understanding the ISO Scale ISO settings go up in ?xed values with intermediate settings available too High ISOs can be useful in low light although the ? noise ? in the image increases ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ONE STOP LESS NOISE TWO STOPS MORE NOISE WIDE-ANGLE TO TELEPHOTO The focal length of a lens and its angle of view go hand in hand Wide-angle lenses have shorter focal lengths while telephoto lenses have long focal lengths The e ?ective focal length or EFL is also given for Nikon APS -C x crop sensor DSLRs mm EFL mm mm EFL mm mm EFL mm mm EFL mm mm EFL mm mm EFL mm mm EFL mm Contents For all Nikon DSLRs Introducing Nikon T he mode dial Master the exposure modes ? ? ? Auto mode Program mode Scene ? ? modes Aperture Priority mode Shutter ? ? Priority mode Manual mode Video mode S et up your Nikon From opening the box to taking your ?rst shot Using your Nikon Pick the right lens Pick the best lens whatever the shooting situation Essential kit Must-have accessories for Nikon photographers Cleaning your Nikon Keep your camera body and lens clean The Nikon buttons Take control of your camera ? s functions The Nikon menus How to navigate your Nikon ? s menu system C omposing your shots Discover the best ways to align and take your shots Focusing your Nikon Get up close and personal with your shots M etering your shots Take control over how your camera reads the light C ontrol white balance Discover how the white balance a ?ects colour Master ISO Understand this essential element of exposure Work with ash Illuminate your subject with the use of a ashgun S napBridge Take remote control of your camera and share shots There ? s an extensive lineup of Nikon cameras to suit all skill levels and budgets GETTING STARTED S e t u p y o u r N i k o n Set

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