Panthers leopards and cheetahs pdf 1

TdE Panthers leopards and cheetahs Notes on identi ?cation Elisa CASTEL One of the most extended inaccuracies in the Egyptological publications consists on attributing the panther exclusive characteristics and features in the assumption that the ??panther ? is a speci ?c animal and not a genus Besides there is a certain tendency to include in this term another feline the cheetah animal that belongs to another completely independent genus This work tries to analyse both groups of animals focusing on their di ?erences and placing them in the context of the Ancient Egypt where they had a particular importance and meaning Una inexactitud presente en buen número de publicaciones egiptológicas consiste en atribuir a la pantera características y rasgos exclusivos en la creencia de que pantera es un animal especí ?co y no un género de animales Además existe cierta tendencia a incluir dentro de este término a otro felino el guepardo animal que pertenece a otro género completamente independiente En este trabajo se pretende analizar a ambos grupos de animales marcando sus diferencias y encuadrándolos dentro del contexto del Egipto Faraónico donde gozaron de una particular importancia y signi ?cado IT is quite usual to ?nd in books and articles about Ancient Egypt mentions of di ?erent types of spotted skins used in priests ? attire In many cases the animal in question is a leopard and in others a cheetah which is an even bigger mistake of identi ?cation Perhaps the confusion in naming a speci ?c animal has its origin in a melanic variety of the leopard ??frequent in Asia and the jungle ?? whose common name was the ??Black Panther ? found but also another feline the lion In the second volume of PM Theban Temples we ?nd entries for leopards and panthers we must understand that when speaking about panthers the reference usually refers to cheetahs These felines do not belong to pantherae since they are clearly recognisable mainly in the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut In this volume the entry for ??cheetah ? does not exist despite its appearance in other volumes A modest research in specialized publications demonstrates that apparently the following fact was not considered under the name ??panther ? not only can the leopard be Some authors seem to add to this confusion when explaining the clothing of the sem priest and they attribute to a panther what is undoubtedly a leopard skin I would like to express my acknowledgements to A Barahona J Cervelló A Eyma A Hernández M Jaramago G E Kadish and M Tilgner I express my thanks to R Pujol and F Jourdan who translated the Spanish text of this paper into English At the same time I would especially thank M Á Molinero Polo whose idea led to the publication of this paper Porter B Moss R L B Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts Reliefs ? ? and Paintings vols Oxford - For instance Goyon J-C Rituels funéraires de l ? an- ciennne Égypte Paris

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