Solider guide FM - THE SOLDIER ? S GUIDE FEBRUARY DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION Approved for public release distribution is unlimited HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CFOREWORD The Soldier is the ultimate guardian of America ? s freedom In over countries ar

FM - THE SOLDIER ? S GUIDE FEBRUARY DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION Approved for public release distribution is unlimited HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CFOREWORD The Soldier is the ultimate guardian of America ? s freedom In over countries around the world Soldiers like you are protecting our Nation ? s freedom and working to provide a better life for oppressed or impoverished peoples It is no accident our Army succeeds everywhere we are called to serve ??the loyalty and sel ess service of the American Soldier guarantee it Today our Army is ?ghting directly for the American people This global war on terrorism is about our future It ? s about ensuring our children and grandchildren enjoy the same liberties we cherish While di ?cult tasks remain victory is certain The e ?orts and sacri ?ces of the American Soldier will assure it Although our technology has changed the core of our success remains the American Soldier Whether equipped with a bayonet or an Apache helicopter the American Soldier is the most lethal weapon in the world Regardless of MOS or location on the battle ?eld the American Soldier will accomplish the mission ??and will destroy any enemy interference with that mission This Soldier ? s Guide applies to every soldier in the Army ??active reserve and National Guard ??in every rank and MOS It condenses important information from a number of Army Regulations Field Manuals DA Pamphlets and other publications This manual describes your role in the Army your obligations and what you can expect from your leaders Other subject areas are Army history training and professional development This manual also describes standards in appearance and conduct and selected individual combat tasks that are important for every Soldier to master This manual gives you a good reference to ?nd answers for many questions It helps clarify and reinforce standards and helps prepare you to assume leadership positions Read it thoroughly and continue to do the great work American Soldiers have done for almost years CField Manual No - FM - Headquarters Department of the Army Washington DC February The Soldier ? s Guide Contents Page FIGURES iii TABLES iv VIGNETTES v ILLUSTRATIONS vii PREFACE viii INTRODUCTION x Chapter THE INDIVIDUAL SOLDIER ? S ROLE IN THE ARMY - Section I ?? The Warrior Ethos and Army Values - Section II ?? The Team - Chapter THE ARMY AND THE NATION - Section I ?? A Short History of the US Army - Section II ?? The Operational Environment - Section III ?? How the US Government Works - Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter DUTIES RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITY OF THE SOLDIER - Section I ?? Duties Responsibilities and Authority - Section II ?? Wear and Appearance - Section III ?? Uniform Code of Military Justice - Section IV ?? Standards of Conduct - CUSTOMS COURTESIES AND TRADITIONS - Customs - Courtesies - Traditions - TRAINING - Section I ?? Army Training Management - Section II ?? Individual Training - Section III ??

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