Survival guide 5 Need to know Nice to know A Danish Survival Guide C Index Table of contents Welcome to Denmark Before departure for Denmark If you are an exchange student If you are a Non-EU EEA student Passport Obtaining a visa Scandinavian Students Eur

Need to know Nice to know A Danish Survival Guide C Index Table of contents Welcome to Denmark Before departure for Denmark If you are an exchange student If you are a Non-EU EEA student Passport Obtaining a visa Scandinavian Students European Students Students outside EU EEA How to obtain a Residence Permit when you already live in Denmark What to bring Checklist Travel Arrangements packing etc How much money will you need When arriving First things to do Finding your way from the airport train station Arriving by Plane Arriving by Train and Bus CPR-number and Medical Card Sygesikringsbevis Money matters How to open a bank account Net banking Traveller ? s Cheques Money Orders etc Credit cards How to ?nd accommodation Residence halls Individual housing Temporary Lodging at CAB INN C Insurance and identi ?cation Practical matters when living in Denmark Getting a cell phone Staying in touch with family and friends Computer Facilities at Metropol Buying food Working in Denmark Getting a work permit Finding a job How to get a tax card Washing Transport Bikes Public Transportation Longer journeys Buying a PC Using a library Opening hours Monday-Thursday - Friday - Buying books News in English Buying clothes Seeing a doctor Your personal doctor Doctor on call l? gevagten Casualty Wards Emergency service Medication Pharmacies Medical vocabulary Seeing a dentist Treatment at School of Dentistry Emergency dental treatment Tandl? gevagten C Counseling in general Studying Danish Getting a haircut Other useful information Church Services Currency Exploring Copenhagen and Denmark Facts about Denmark population area political system Area Internet country code Telephone Country code Electricity Geography Language Political System Population Religion Weather Useful addresses and telephone numbers Emergency contacts Lost and Found Useful websites www krak dk www rejseplanen dk www degulesider dk Health and Medical Information Sheet C Welcome to Denmark We are pleased that you have decided to come and study at the Bachelor ? s Degree in Global Nutrition and Health at the Metropolitan University College We hope that you will have a rewarding time while studying with us and we will do as much as we can to make your stay in Denmark fruitful We know that you not only will be facing academic challenges but also will have lots of practical matters to solve This survival guide Need to know Nice to know o ?ers practical advice on the most pressing matters that you will be facing before departure just after your arrival and during your stay in Denmark The advice is based on our experience from living in Denmark counseling international students and recommendations from others students who have been staying in Denmark for a while The guide is divided into sections Need to know Practical matters that you must attend to before leaving your home country and shortly after your arrival in Denmark Nice to know Practical advice about living in Denmark ?? how to ?nd a job buying a PC or a cell phone seeing a doctor buying food

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