Tropico strategy guide - FM PM Page C - FM PM Page ? Pearson Education All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form LEGAL STUFF Tropico the Tropico logo PopTop the PopTop logo Gathering of Developers Godgames the
- FM PM Page C - FM PM Page ? Pearson Education All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form LEGAL STUFF Tropico the Tropico logo PopTop the PopTop logo Gathering of Developers Godgames the Godgames logo Take-Two Interactive Software Inc and the TakeTwo family logo are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software ? Take- Two Interactive Software Inc All Rights Reserved All other trademarks and trade names are property of their respective owners Please be advised that the ESRB rating icons ??EC ? ??KA ? ??T ? ??M ? and ??AO ? are copyrighted works and certi ?cation marks owned by the Interactive Digital Software Association and the Entertainment Software Rating Board and may only be used with their permission and authority Under no circumstances may the rating icons be self-applied to any product that has not been rated by the ESRB For information regarding whether a product has been rated by the ESRB please call the ESRB at - or - - - Please note that ESRB ratings only apply to the content of the game itself and do NOT apply to the content of the books Brady Publishing An Imprint of Pearson Education W rd St Indianapolis IN ISBN - - - Library of Congress Catalog No - Printing Code The rightmost double-digit number is the year of the book ? s printing the rightmost singledigit number is the number of the book ? s printing For example - shows that the ?rst printing of the book occurred in Manufactured in the United States of America Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WITH REGARD TO THESE PROGRAMS OR THE DOCUMENTATION CONTAINED IN THEIS BOOK THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY EVENT FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTAIL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THE FURNISHING PERFORMANCE OR USE OF THESE PROGRAMS OFFICIAL TROPICO STRATEGY GUIDE C - FM PM Page BRADYGAMES STAFF DIRECTOR OF PUBLISHING David Waybright EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H Leigh Davis MARKETING MANAGER Janet Eshenour CREATIVE DIRECTOR Robin Lasek ASSISTANT LICENSING MANAGER Mike Degler ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER Susie Nieman CREDITS TITLE MANAGER Tim Cox SCREENSHOT EDITOR Michael Owen BOOK DESIGNER Dan Caparo PRODUCTION DESIGNERS Jane Washburne Bob Klunder Tracy Wehmeyer OFFICIAL TROPICO STRATEGY GUIDE C - FM PM Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction CHAPTER Starting from Scratch CHAPTER Managing Your Island CHAPTER Managing Industry Tourism CHAPTER Managing People CHAPTER Buildings Structures CHAPTER Edicts Throwing Money at the Problem CHAPTER Victory Strategies CHAPTER Pre-Designed Scenarios APPENDIX A Cheats APPENDIX B Buildings Structures Quick Reference APPENDIX C Building Occupation Quick Reference INDEX BONUS PopTop ? s Guide to Paradise Island OFFICIAL TROPICO STRATEGY GUIDE C - FM PM Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND THANKS This strategy guide wouldn ? t have been possible without the assistance of those Tropico geniuses
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- Publié le Mar 26, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 486.5kB