Ust guide english 1 City Within a City GREATER U STREET HERITAGE TRAIL For the ?rst half of the twentieth century this U Street neighborhood inspired and sustained the rich social civic and cultural life of Washington ? s African American community Follow
City Within a City GREATER U STREET HERITAGE TRAIL For the ?rst half of the twentieth century this U Street neighborhood inspired and sustained the rich social civic and cultural life of Washington ? s African American community Follow this trail to the places that tell the story of this exceptional community in the heart of the nation ? s capital CWelcome Visitors to Washington D C ock to the National Mall where grand monuments symbolize the nation ? s highest ideals This walking tour invites you to deepen your experience of the nation ? s capital by discovering the places where people in the Shaw U Street neighborhood ?? for half a century the heart of African American business and culture in Washington ?? worked to make those ideals a reality Adjacent to the famed Howard University this neighborhood was home to Duke Ellington leading African American artists and professionals and a thriving black community of churches schools and social and civic organizations Here people of color responded with strength to the injustices of segregation engaging in some of the nation ? s ?rst civil rights protests while simultaneously building a vibrant urban center of their own ?? ??a city within a city ? Duke Ellington mural G Byron Peck C ? by The Historical Society of Washington D C and the DC Heritage Tourism Coalition now Cultural Tourism DC Fifth printing All rights reserved Distributed by Cultural Tourism DC H Street NW Suite Washington DC www CulturalTourismDC org Design by side view Hannah Smotrich As you walk the trail please be aware that you are traveling through an urban environment Keep your safety and personal security in mind just as you would while visiting an unfamiliar place in any city City Within a City Greater U Street Heritage Trail Paul K Williams Project Director Kathryn S Smith Lead Historian A project of Cultural Tourism DC in collaboration with the Historical Society of Washington D C and the Downtown DC Business Improvement District Funded by the DC Department of Housing and Community Development District Department of Transportation U S Department of Transportation and Washington Convention and Sports Authority Additional funding for the ?fth printing provided by Whole Foods Market CIntroduction until when New York ? s Harlem overtook it Washington D C could claim the largest urban African American population in the United States The U Street area provided the heartbeat It inspired and nurtured the elegance and the musical genius of Duke Ellington Leaders in science law education and the arts ?? such as Thurgood Marshall Dr Charles Drew Langston Hughes and the opera star Madame Evanti ?? walked these streets and lifted the aspirations of its families This neighborhood lies within the area laid out by Pierre L ? Enfant for the federal city in By the time of the Civil War years later however it was still open land dotted with a few frame buildings Two Civil War camps and a hospital brought the ?rst major
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- Publié le Oct 09, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 107.4kB