Course guide 9 COURSE GUIDE Course HRRM Semester Second School Year - Total Quality Mangement with ISO Semester Class Schedule TTh - Lecturer Antonia Vina Lydia V Son Course Description This course aims to enable participants to recognize and assess quali

COURSE GUIDE Course HRRM Semester Second School Year - Total Quality Mangement with ISO Semester Class Schedule TTh - Lecturer Antonia Vina Lydia V Son Course Description This course aims to enable participants to recognize and assess quality management processes in a hospitality and tourism organization and to evaluate departmental processes and planning strategies Course Outline SCHEDULE nd Week January TOPIC ? VMGO Quality Policy and Course Orientation rd Week January th Week January ? TQM Introduction History ? Chapter The Hospitality Service Strategy The Basics Of WOW The Guest Knows Best Guestology What Is It The Guest Experience Guest Expectations st Week February rd Week February Meeting Guests Expectations Through Planning Three Generic Strategies The Hospitality Planning Cycle Assessing The Environment What the Future May Hold Assessing the Organization Itself The Internal Audit Developing the Service Strategy Actions Plan The Uncertain Future Involving Employees in Planning Setting The Scene For The Guest Experience Creating The Show Why is the Environment Important A Model How the Service Environment A ?ects the Guest ESSU-ACAD- Version E ?ectivity Date October Page of C rd Week February th Week February st Week March nd Week March Developing The Hospitality Culture The Importance of Leaders The Importance of Culture Beliefs Values and Norms Culture and The Environment Communicating the Culture Changing the Culture What We Know About Culture ? Chapter The Hospitality Service Sta ? Sta ?ng for Service The Many Employees of the Hospitality Industry Loving to Serve The First Step Study the Job The Second Step Recruit a Pool of Quali ?ed Candidates The Third Step Select the Best Candidate The Fourth Step Hire the Best Applicant The Fifth Step Make the New Hire Feel Welcome The Sixth Step Turnover ?? Selecting People Out of an Organization Employing the Best to Serve Your Guests Training Developing Employees To Serve Employee Training Developing a Training Program Training Methods Challenges and Pitfalls of Training Employee Development Serving with a smile motivating exceptional service Motivating Employees The Needs People Have The Rewards People Want Rewarding Employees for Performance Linking Performance and Rewards Clarifying Employees ? Roles Setting Goals Providing the Right Direction Motivation Employee Satisfaction and Guest Satisfaction ESSU-ACAD- Version E ?ectivity Date October Page of C rd Week March th Week March st Week April nd Week April rd Week April th Week April Involving The Guest The Co-Creation Of Value Guests Co-Create Value The Guest Can Help Strategies for Involving the Guest Determining When Guest Participation Make Sense One Last Point Firing the Guest ? Chapter The Hospitality Service Delivery System Communicating for Service The Challenge of Managing Information Information and the Service Product Information and the Service Setting Information and the Delivery System Decision Support Systems The Hospitality Organization as an Information System Planning The Service Delivery System Planning and Designing the Service Delivery System Developing the Service Delivery System Planning Techniques Targeting Speci ?c Problem Areas in Service Delivery Systems ? ISO Standards Waiting For Service When the Wait Begins Capacity

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  • Publié le Jui 17, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 39.1kB