Your guide to employing a foreign domestic worker in qatar

Your Guide to Employing a Foreign Domestic Worker Guide for Employers CGuide for Employers A shelter me initiative FOR MORE INFORMATION contact shelterme migrant-rights org CGuide for Employers SECTION Before you decide to employ a domestic worker SECTION Do you know SECTION How to recruit SECTION Your rights and responsibilities SECTION Your employee's rights and responsibilities SECTION Calculating working time TIME SHEET Weekly time sheet SECTION Making the relationship work SECTION Those little things SECTION Checklist Your Guide to Employing a Foreign Domestic Worker Qatar CGuide for Employers Your Guide to Employing a Foreign Domestic Worker Qatar is home to thousands of foreign domestic workers today From cleaning and cooking to babysitting and tending to the elderly and ill domestic workers contribute signi ?cantly to the upkeep of homes in and around Doha Like any other employer-employee relationship the one between you and the domestic worker is one that needs nurturing Shelter Me a partnership between Hivos Migrant-Rights org and Migrant Care has published this guideline to help you develop a healthy and mutually bene ?cial working relationship Your Guide to Employing a Foreign Domestic Worker Qatar CGuide for Employers SECTION Before you decide to employ a domestic worker Have you thought about the tasks you will need help with Have you allocated a budget to recruit and employ a helper Have you thought about her living arrangement - a comfortable space in your house which respects her privacy and yours Are you and your family members ready to have a newcomer living in your home At a group discussion one employer explained how it was sometimes di ?cult to ?nd the right balance ??For example at dinner time you want this to be a family time but at the same time you don ? t want to be rude and tell her to leave the room You want her to be part of the family but at the same time she isn ? t family Your Guide to Employing a Foreign Domestic Worker Qatar CGuide for Employers SECTION Do you know Domestic workers are not included in the labour law and governed only by the sponsorship Kafala law Responsibility of ethically determining most of the terms and conditions of her work rests with you It is quite unlikely that she has had a proper and purposeful training before departure which means you have to teach her and give her time to learn Under Qatari law you cannot employ someone who is not under your sponsorship More information is available in the Qatar government portal http portal www gov qa wps portal Your employee may come from a country which has a ?xed minimum wage for domestic workers Speak to the embassy of the sending country to ?nd out if they do have a minimum wage requirement Your Guide to Employing a Foreign Domestic Worker Qatar CGuide for Employers SECTION How to recruit Will you hire her through a recruitment agency Will you hire her privately through referrals from friends

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