Aveyond quick start 1 Aveyond Quick Start Walkthrough Open Aveyond If you want to play the game in full-screen mode press ALT ENTER on your keyb oard From the Title screen select New Game After the introduction is over you start the game in a village call

Aveyond Quick Start Walkthrough Open Aveyond If you want to play the game in full-screen mode press ALT ENTER on your keyb oard From the Title screen select New Game After the introduction is over you start the game in a village called Clearwa ter Go to your house Your house is to the left of the ?rst bridge In your house go upstairs and talk to your dad go up to him and press SPACEB AR on your keyboard He asks you to bring back the village healer Leave your house and go east across the ?rst bridge Then go north up the stairs Then go west across the second bridge Travel west until you reach th e cli ? then go north until you see a cottage This is the healer s house Go int o the house and talk to the healer She joins your party Go back to your dad When you go upstairs the healer will leave your party an d talk to your dad Your dad will ask you to talk to your mother Go talk to your mother She asks you to bring her ?ve marionbells Leave your house and go south to the meadow You will see some kids picking owers Pick four marionbells here Go back towards the village and go into the cave In the cave go north The cave will take you to another meadow where the last marionbell is Pick the ?ft h marionbell here Go back home and give your mother the marionbells She asks you to go to bed Go upstairs and to bed on the left Walk into the your bed This makes you sl eep Go downstairs and talk to the priestess who is standing by the ?replace Kee p talking to her until she gives you a priestess ring Leave your house and go south to the cave Talk to the boy at the cave entran ce and then follow him into the cave Talk to the strange man in the cave He captures you and takes you to a villa ge in the east called Ghalarah He sells you as a slave When you wake up in your room read the note on your desk This list contains the chores you have to do for the day Leave your house and go south into the village Find the seamstress shop and talk to the seamstress She will give you Lar s traveling clothes Take the traveling clothes back to your house and give them to Mistress Rona Your next chore is to kill the spiders in Mistress Rona s attic Before you go up there save your game To do this Press ESC on your keyboard This opens the main menu From the main menu select Save Game Select a save slot for your game and press ENTER on your keyboard C After you have saved your game go up to the attic and ?ght the spiders Bef ore you leave the

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  • Publié le Jan 31, 2021
  • Catégorie History / Histoire
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 34.9kB