Date room DATE GENERAL SURVEY DAY Oriented X ROOM DAY Changes from previous day Oriented X VITALS VITALS T P R B P Height Weight T P R B P Height Weight O Nasal Cannula Y N SpO L SpO Nasal Cannula Y N CARDIOVASULAR Apical Radial Apical Radial Pedal Caroti

DATE GENERAL SURVEY DAY Oriented X ROOM DAY Changes from previous day Oriented X VITALS VITALS T P R B P Height Weight T P R B P Height Weight O Nasal Cannula Y N SpO L SpO Nasal Cannula Y N CARDIOVASULAR Apical Radial Apical Radial Pedal Carotid Pedal Carotid Brachial Brachial B P Pulse Cap Re ?ll B P Pulse Cap Re ?ll RESPIRATORY Rate O SpO L RESPIRATORY Rate O SpO L Sounds Rhythm Depth Sounds Rhythm Depth Nasal aring Y N Accessory Abdominal muscles Y N Nasal aring Y N Accessory Abdominal muscles Y N GASTROINTESTINAL Abdominal contour Last BM Palpated Bowel Sounds X Hyperactive Hypoactive Laxative GENITOURINARY CDATE ROOM OUTPUT Prostate Problems Foley Y N MUSCULOSKELETAL ROM Strength GAIT Assistance Y N Disabilities INTEGUMENTARY Mucous membranes Edema IV SITES Wounds Turgor Temp Moisture C

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