Ai guide AI Application Guide Sino-German Company Working Group on Industrie and Intelligent Manufacturing AGU Expert Group Arti ?cial Intelligence Published by CAI Application Guide Sino-German Company Working Group on Industrie and Intelligent Manufactu

AI Application Guide Sino-German Company Working Group on Industrie and Intelligent Manufacturing AGU Expert Group Arti ?cial Intelligence Published by CAI Application Guide Sino-German Company Working Group on Industrie and Intelligent Manufacturing AGU Expert Group Arti ?cial Intelligence CPublished by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ GmbH Registered O ?ces Bonn and Eschborn GIZ O ?ce China Sun ower Tower Maizidian Street Chaoyang District Beijing PR China T E giz-china giz de I www giz de china Sino-German Industrie Project Tayuan Diplomatic O ?ce Building - Liangmahe Nanlu Chaoyang District Beijing PR China T F E info i -china org I www i -china org China Center for Information Industry Development CCID CCID Mansion Zi Zhu Yuan Road Beijing PR China T F E ljt ccidgroup com I www ccidgroup com This publication is a result of close cooperation between multiple entities in Germany and China including the Sino-German Company Working Group on Industrie and Intelligent Manufacturing AGU Expert Group Arti ?cial Intelligence in support of the MoU signed in between BMWi and MIIT following the joint action plan ??Shaping Innovation Together ? Since the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ GmbH commissioned by BMWi and the China Center for Information Industry Development CCID are the implementing bodies for the cooperation on the German and the Chinese side respectively The ?ndings interpretations and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily re ect the views of GIZ CCID or the governments they represent GIZ and CCID do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of the information included in this work and cannot be held responsible for any errors omissions or losses which emerge from its use Design and layout Beijing Zhuochuang Advertising Co Ltd Beijing Photo credits sources Franck V Unsplash Beijing August CContents Executive Summary Introduction Background of the Development of Arti ?cial Intelligence in China and Germany China and Germany Attach Great Importance to the Development of Arti ?cial Intelligence and Manufacturing China ? s Strategy for Promoting the Integration of Arti ?cial Intelligence and the Manufacturing Industry Germany ? s Strategy for Promoting the Integration of Arti ?cial Intelligence and the Manufacturing Industry Background of Cooperation Framework of Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing Scope and Objective of this Guide Structure and Research Methodology Analysis of Use Cases Design Case Intelligent Product Design Manufacturing Case Adaptive Modular Intelligent Manufacturing Solution Case Visual Inspection Case Defect Detection in Flat-Panel Manufacturing Case Product Quality Prediction Supply Chain Management Case Supply Chain Segmentation Analytics Case Network Flow Path Optimisation Operations Case Asset Intelligence Network Case Intelligent Manufacturing - Predictive Maintenance Case Predictive Maintenance for Auto Production Line Conclusion and Recommendations Challenges Readiness of AI technology for Commercial Usage Social and Ethical Impact Missing Regulatory Framework AI Skills and Employment C Outlook AI shapes future AI on Industry AI on Consumer Recommendations to the Sino-German Dialogue Establish close Sino-German collaborations with tangible projects Guide the improvement and raise awareness Optimise the development environment Create a smart carrier and improve supply capacity Deepen international

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