Buyers guide 2 A Buyer ? s GUIDE BUYER'S GUIDE OBJECTIVES Decide on a basic computer system Determine your computer ? s architecture Buy a computer Review notebook computers Select peripheral devices Buy system and application software Find purchasing and

A Buyer ? s GUIDE BUYER'S GUIDE OBJECTIVES Decide on a basic computer system Determine your computer ? s architecture Buy a computer Review notebook computers Select peripheral devices Buy system and application software Find purchasing and user support Organize your ?ndings A Buyer ? s Guide Summary Compare computers Buyer ? s Speci ?cation Worksheet Work in the computer industry Whether you are a ?rst-time buyer or are upgrading your computer system when the time comes to make your computer buying decision you might ?nd yourself overwhelmed by the vast amount of information available to you T here are thousands of computer advertisements in magazines and newspapers which list detailed technical speci ?cations for their products To get the best deal on a computer that meets your needs you need to understand what these technical speci ?cations mean and how they will a ?ect your computing power T his Buyer's G uide will help you to organize your purchasing decisions T his guide also includes a worksheet that you can use to summarize your speci ?cations for a computer and compare prices and features Copyright ? by Course Technology All rights reserved This publication is protected by federal copyright law No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permision in writing from Course Technology Some of the product names and company names have been used for identi ?cation purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers and sellers CDeciding on a basic BUYER'S computer system GUIDE The ?rst decision you should make is what basic con ?guration your new computer system should have T he ?rst step is to establish the budget for your computer system which will help you to exclude those system con ?gurations that are too costly Figure BG - shows a typical computer ad You can't tell if this MicroPlus is a good deal unless you compare its speci ?cations with those of computers from other vendors DETAILS f f Desktop or notebook Will you be working from a single location or taking your computer with you to many locations Choose a notebook if you plan to take your computer with you Note however that notebooks cost more than a similarly con ?gured desktop so you will pay for portability Network or stand-alone Will you be working as part of a network or alone Do you plan to tie into a network and take advantage of a central ?le server and microprocessor using your computer as a workstation If you are setting up for a network you need to purchase the network components such as network interface cards NICs and cables f Planning for expansion The computer case includes openings or bays An external bay provides an opening for installing devices such as a hard disk drive oppy disk drive Zip drive removable hard disk drive CD-ROMo and tape drive An internal bay provides a mounting bracket to hold devices that do not need to be accessed from

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