Carrot prod guide CCarrot Production Guide This Publication is a project of the Department of Agriculture Regional Field O ?ce No High Value Crops Development Program It contains the most recently available and locally adaptable technical information on C
CCarrot Production Guide This Publication is a project of the Department of Agriculture Regional Field O ?ce No High Value Crops Development Program It contains the most recently available and locally adaptable technical information on Carrot Production in Region June CCarrot Production Guide Carrot Production Guide Carrot Daucus carota L is one of the most important vegetables commonly grown in the Philippine highlands The production areas are in Benguet Mountain Province Ifugao Nueva Vizcaya Cebu Davao del Sur Negros Oriental and Bukidnon In the volume of production was tons t from a total of hectares ha nationwide Benguet was the largest producer followed by Cebu Bureau of Agricultucal Statistics BAS Uses and Nutritional Value Carrot is usually cooked with other vegetables for ??chop suey ? and other dishes It is also eaten raw with lettuce and pepper Raw carrot sticks and curls are attractive garnishes and appetizers Carrot tops are high in potassium but are bitter A small portion of the tops may be cut ?nely and mixed with salads or cooked in broths or soups for avouring It is also made into juice cake jam wine and dye It also adds avor to butter Carrot is also used as co ?ee substitute in Germany Carrot provides the highest vitamin A content of all vegetables Bright orange carrots contain two important phytochemicals cartenoids and avonoids which are natural bioactive compounds These phytochemicals work with nutrients and dietary ?ber to protect people against diseases Beta-carotene a member of the carotenoids family protects the body by decreasing the risk of heart disease stroke blindness and certain types of cancers The deeper the orange color in carrots the more beta-carotene content The nutritional value of carrots actually increases with cooking The tough cellular wall on raw carrots does not break down very easily Thus cooking carrots until just tender makes their nutrients including betacarotene more bene ?cial Cooking also brings out their natural sweetness Carrot is credited with many medicinal properties It is said to cleanse the intestines Carrot is also e ?ective as diuretic and an overall tonic It is believed to have remineralizing antidiarrheal and antianemic properties Carrot is rich in alkaline elements that purify and revitalize the blood It nourishes the entire system and helps in the maintenance of acid-alkaline balance in the body Being a rich source of vitamin A it has been used extensively in the human diet to improve eyesight In fact carrot was used in aerial training schools in World War II to improve the eyesight of students C Carrot Production Guide Per grams g edible portion carrots contain Properties Amount Water g Energy kcal Protein g Fat g Carbohydrates g Dietery ?ber g Ash g Calcium g Phosphorus mg Iron mg Vitamin A ug Thiamine g Ribo avin mg Niacin mg Ascorbic acid mg Source The Philippine Food Composition Table FNRI-DOST Production Management Varities Carrot comes in di ?erent colors ?? white yellow orange purple and violet Several hundred varities exist but there are four
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- Publié le Aoû 15, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 46.5kB