Glossika learning guide How You Can Achieve Fluency like Polyglots Most people start learning foreign languages by learning to read the alphabet ?rst Some of the world's greatest polyglots rarely do this because they know there is a be CCool Less than hal
How You Can Achieve Fluency like Polyglots Most people start learning foreign languages by learning to read the alphabet ?rst Some of the world's greatest polyglots rarely do this because they know there is a be CCool Less than half the people who have learned to speak Fact Mandarin Chinese uently have learned the wriFng system They can hold a conversaFon with friends and family in Chinese even without knowing how to read and write This is possible for any language you'd like to learn There are languages in the world of which only or so naFonal languages have standard wriFng systems All other languages are never wri CHow to Measure Progress with Reps Learning a language like a polyglot means that you spend very li Cin shape you'll be ?t and you'll both look and feel great If I were to challenge you to any athleFc endeavour you'd be very con ?dent and handle it without a problem We've found that the same holds true with language you need to do lots of reps Those reps need to be done in a speci ?c order for best results You'll get be CIt's be CWhat We Know from Polyglots Polyglots approach language learning knowing they can acquire a language in a short period of Fme So they tend to seek out the most e ?ecFve methodologies to help them achieve this There's no need to waste Fme on ine ?ecFve textbooks rote memorizaFon or language classes that focus on grammar Polyglots know that the wriFng system can both be an asset and a liability and in the beginning it's be CMichael Campbell has been invited to speak at conferences has appeared on television and radio and has done many press interviews in Chinese Between and Michael Campbell tested and developed his methods while he lead the way for more than students to uency average language learners like yourself He now welcomes you to join the hundreds of thousands of people he has had the pleasure to in uence and guide since then Today the Glossika method is known worldwide and ranks among the highest performing programs and hailed by many as Pimsleur on Steroids ? John McWhorter professor of linguisFcs at Columbia University recommended Glossika in his TED talk ?? Reasons to Learn a New Language ? Glossika is now used in universiFes worldwide in the USA UK Russia Japan Taiwan China New Zealand including members of sta ? at MIT It is used by government o ?cials and those training for diplomaFc roles CComparisons with Leading Products Hours of Audio In a single package Glossika provides you with over hours of audio spoken by naFve speakers Compare this with Assimil's hours Living Languages hours Pimsleur's hours for its few largest courses Assimil Hours of Audio Pimsleur GlossikaVocabulary Glossika builds a vocabulary of words approximately the same as Assimil and x more than Pimsleur C Content Glossika contains conversaFonal sentences many of which are quesFon answer mini-dialogues Far more than
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- Publié le Sep 03, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 37.5kB