Guide 18 Quintessential Careers Mastering the Case Interview by Katharine Hansen Ph D Reprint Guidelines Free Newsletter Subscription Main Articles Page If you're a business-school student -- at the undergraduate or MBA level -- chances are you already kn

Quintessential Careers Mastering the Case Interview by Katharine Hansen Ph D Reprint Guidelines Free Newsletter Subscription Main Articles Page If you're a business-school student -- at the undergraduate or MBA level -- chances are you already know something about how to handle a very specialized kind of job interview -- the case interview Many business-school courses revolve around case analysis and many business students have become pros at picking business cases apart Still the thought of doing so within a tight time-frame usually - minutes in the already highly pressured situation of a job interview can be daunting -if not downright terrifying The case interview is employed primarily by management- consulting ?rms as well as investmentbanking companies and is increasingly being used by other types of corporations as at least part of the job-interviewing process Some ?rms use case interviews only for MBA-level job candidates while others use them for undergraduates as well Business students who are not totally comfortable with case analysis and liberal-arts students with little or no exposure to the case method can take comfort in knowing that a vast collection of resources is available both on and o ? the Internet to tell you everything you need to know to succeed in a case interview We'd be foolish to try to reinvent any of that great resource material so the purpose of this article is to give you a brief overview of the case-interview process We then provide a sampling of excellent resources to help you delve further into this tricky interviewing mode Perhaps most helpful are the resources provided by companies who actually conduct case interviews There's nothing like going to the source when you want to know what your interview will be like To invoke a de ?nition of the case interview o ?ered by MIT's Careers Handbook it's an interview in which you are introduced to a business dilemma facing a particular company You are asked to analyze the situation identify key business issues and discuss how you would address the problems involved Case interviews are designed to scrutinize the skills that are especially important in management consulting and related ?elds quantitative skills analytical skills problem-solving ability communications skills creativity exibility the ability to think quickly under pressure listening skills business acumen keen insight interpersonal skills the ability to synthesize ?ndings professional demeanor and powers of persuasion Above all the ?rm will be looking for someone who can do the real work at hand Managementconsulting companies for example want to know that you are the kind of person who can make a good impression on clients Describing a presentation on case interviewing given at Columbia University by representatives of McKinsey and Company Jim Oh notes that consulting ?rms value case interviews because there is no right background for consulting Consulting requires working in unfamiliar territories thinking on your feet and performing in situations where you never have enough time Experts agree on many of the ?ne points for approaching case interviews Practice extensively

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