Guide book cat ii Green Living Association - Rs Campus Quiz Guide for Category Grade to C Trash is Treasure Why teach students about Waste Reduction and Resource Conservation Many students are careless when it comes to school littering because they expect
Green Living Association - Rs Campus Quiz Guide for Category Grade to C Trash is Treasure Why teach students about Waste Reduction and Resource Conservation Many students are careless when it comes to school littering because they expect someone to clean after them and they ? re just lazy What is Waste Waste has been a major environmental issue everywhere since the industrial revolution Besides the wastes we create at home school and other public places there are also those from hospitals industries farms and other sources Humans rely so much on material things and they all almost end up as waste And hey ?? where does the waste end up Wastes are items we individuals schools homes o ?ces industries hospitals don ? t need and discard Sometimes there are things we have that the law requires us to discard because they can be harmful Waste comes in in ?nite sizes ?? some can be as small as an old toothbrush or Green Living Association - Rs Campus Quiz Guide for Category Grade to C as large as the body of a school bus Everyone creates waste although some people are very environmentally conscious and create very little Likewise some countries do a very good job creating less waste and managing the rest Others are pretty horrible and have created huge environmental problems for the people and animals living there All over the world communities handle their waste or trash di ?erently Some common methods of managing their waste include land- ?lling recycling and composting Other communities strongly embark on waste reduction and litter prevention control aimed at reducing the production of waste in the ?rst place Some communities also engage in waste-to-energy plants and hazardous waste disposal programs Types of waste Generally waste could be liquid or solid waste Both of them could be hazardous Liquid and solid waste types can also be grouped into organic re-usable and recyclable waste Let us see some details below Liquid type Waste can come in non- solid form Some solid waste can also be converted to a liquid waste form for disposal It includes point source and non-point source discharges such as storm water and wastewater Examples of liquid waste include wash water from homes liquids used for cleaning in industries and waste detergents Green Living Association - Rs Campus Quiz Guide for Category Grade to CSolid type Solid waste predominantly is any garbage refuse or rubbish that we make in our schools homes and other places These include broken furniture old newspapers old car tires and even food waste They may include any waste that is non-liquid Hazardous type Hazardous or harmful wastes are those that potentially threaten public health or the environment Such waste could be in ammable can easily catch ?re reactive can easily explode corrosive can easily eat through metal or toxic poisonous to human and animals In many countries it is required by law to involve the appropriate authority to supervise the disposal of such hazardous
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- Publié le Oct 22, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 57kB