Hr final project Human Resource Overview Muskrat Rafting Company MGT Ian Pineau Collin MacLeod Algonquin College Pembroke Ontario December nd CTable of Contents Content ? pg Company Overview ? Positional Requirements Organizational Chart ? Job codes ? Job

Human Resource Overview Muskrat Rafting Company MGT Ian Pineau Collin MacLeod Algonquin College Pembroke Ontario December nd CTable of Contents Content ? pg Company Overview ? Positional Requirements Organizational Chart ? Job codes ? Job Descriptions Owner ? Trip Co-ordinator ? Guide Staf ? Support Staf ? O ?ce Staf ? KSA Charts Owner ? Trip Co-ordinator ? Guide Staf ? Support Staf ? O ?ce Staf ? Sta ? Certi ?cation Req ? Recruiting Vetting ? Content ? pg Contracting ? Induction ? Orientation Training White Water Weekend ? Training Week ? Performance Assessments ? Employee Incentive ? Professional Development Field Staf ? Administration Staf ? Promotions ? Termination Process ? Dealing with Age ? Appendixes Appendix ?? A ? HR Overview MRC CAppendix ?? B ? Appendix ?? C ? Appendix ?? D ? Appendix ?? E ? References ? HR Overview MRC C Company Overview Name Muskrat Rafting Company MFR Location Ottawa River Ontario Canada MFR a brand new rafting company who plan to ofer a fun family atmosphere for running rapids on the Ottawa River Open solely during the summer months MFR uses seasonal contractors to run trips with a permanent organizational committee who attend to logistics We maintain a campground and several small cottages for rental during operating season for guest accommodations We ofer a cooking area but only lunches are included on trip Positional Requirements Company Organizational Chart Owner Trip Coordinator Support Supervis or O ?ce Supervis or Guide Staf Guide Staf Guide Staf Guide Staf Guide Staf Guide Staf Support Staf Support Staf O ?ce Staf Job Codes OWNR Owner T-CO Trip Coordinator RIVGui - Trip Guide SUPSp Support Supervisor SUPSa - Support Staf OFFSp O ?ce Supervisor OFFSa O ?ce Staf HR Overview MRC C Job Descriptions OWNER OWNR administrative ?eld staf Roles To oversee the whole of the operation work with and support every section of the business to ensure that everything is running smoothly ensure company standards surpass industry Main Duties Ensure that all sections operate to industry standards Ensure that all sections are properly stafed Ensure that all staf are fully remunerated Ensure that all bills are paid Ensure that the proper insurance and permits are purchased each year Maintain business in the of-season Hire contractors for each season Purchase required gear for activities Provide employees with adequate training and equipment to manage incidents Handle all backend business of any major incident or any media related incident Formulate RM plans and compose a release of liabilities waiver for clients Hire Trip Co-ordinator and all support facility and o ?ce staf Compose contracts for all employees Schedule Must be present at facilities during major seasons at least times a week may conduct business from home during of season may conduct all business at home must log at least hours a week Remuneration The owner will be remunerated all pro ?t of the company minus a investment deposited back into the company HR Overview MRC C TRIP CO -ORDINATOR T-CO administrative

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