Leisure suit larry 6 FAQ Walkthrough for LEISURE SUIT LARRY SHAPE UP OR SLIP OUT GUIDE INFORMATION Author Editor E-mail System Updated Version Tom Hayes Phil Beardsley thayesguides at gmail dot com PC th April CONTENTS Introduction Walkthrough Item List P
FAQ Walkthrough for LEISURE SUIT LARRY SHAPE UP OR SLIP OUT GUIDE INFORMATION Author Editor E-mail System Updated Version Tom Hayes Phil Beardsley thayesguides at gmail dot com PC th April CONTENTS Introduction Walkthrough Item List Point List Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY th Apr PDF version nd Apr Format update th July First version Introduction After starring on the TV show Stallions Larry La ?er wins a luxury holiday at the La Costa Lotta resort While there Larry explores the resort to try and ?nd the woman of his dreams While the plot is severely lacking the gameplay and humor are far better than the previous installment Instead of a dull adventure spread over a variety of locations this is a fun adventure based in one large location With the strength of the puzzles and the varied characters to meet in the resort this is one of the very best Larry games Walkthrough ROSE The game starts in the lobby of La Costa Lotta Get the random room key from the deposit box Look at the woman behind the desk and talk to her two times to receive the room key Talk to her ?ve times and she will ask Larry to ?x the cellulite machine Walk up the steps Use the room key on the door to enter room Look at the blue card on the desk to read an advertisement for various places in the hotel Look at the red card to read about the Turn Down Service Look at the pink card to read about various phone numbers to use in the hotel Get the ower arrangement from the table Use the phone and Cdial to call housekeeping who say that they will leave a gift on the pillow Use the phone and dial again to call housekeeping who agree to send a maid up to the room Open the top door to enter the bathroom Use the zipper icon on the toilet Use the sink to see brown water coming out of the tap Exit the bathroom Use the phone and dial to call maintenance Exit the room to see that the maid's cart has arrived Look at the left side of the cart and get the towel toilet seat cover and dental oss Look at the right side of the cart and get the washcloth soap hand creme and a roll of toilet paper Go down the steps to the lobby and then walk back up the steps to the hall Use the room key on the door to return to room Get the condom from the pillow Open the top door to enter the bathroom Get the adjustable wrench and bastard ?le from the maintenance man Exit the bathroom Walk away from the door and the maintenance man will leave Open the door to return to the bathroom Use the toilet seat cover on the toilet and then use the toilet paper on Larry Use the sink and then use the soap on the
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jul 24, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 56.8kB