Mckinney psi2e tif 11 Processes Systems and Information e McKinney Kroenke Chapter Business Intelligence and IS A typical business intelligence database is large in volume Answer TRUE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compar

Processes Systems and Information e McKinney Kroenke Chapter Business Intelligence and IS A typical business intelligence database is large in volume Answer TRUE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems BI systems are reducing their capacity to help businesses identify important patterns in data Answer FALSE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems The objective of most business intelligence processes is to inform Answer TRUE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems The e ?ciency objective of business intelligence is to inform someone in the business Answer FALSE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems BI systems restrain from combining operational data with data from other sources before storing them in the repository Answer FALSE Di ?culty Moderate AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems To use BI applications businesses should avoid depending on traditional transactional databases Answer TRUE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems Copyright ? Pearson Education Inc C Typically in a BI system analysis begins with a massive volume of data being scaled down to a small set if the analysis looks promising Answer FALSE Di ?culty Moderate AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems A BI server is used by an analyst to analyze data and produce the output Answer TRUE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems When users do BI analysis by themselves it is called self-service BI Answer TRUE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems A data warehouse is specially designed to sort and retrieve large volumes of data Answer TRUE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems Data mining is the ?rst step of a BI activity supported by business intelligence information systems Answer FALSE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems Operational data are often structured in a way that readily supports BI analysis Answer FALSE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems Copyright ? Pearson Education Inc C The primary objective of a reporting process is predicting patterns and relationships in data Answer FALSE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare and contrast di ?erent business intelligence systems An RFM analysis considers how recently a customer has ordered and how much the customer has spent Answer TRUE Di ?culty Easy AACSB Information Technology Chapter LO Course LO Compare

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