Oee guide A Guide to OEE A Guide to OEE Overall Equipment E ?ectiveness CA Guide to OEE Understanding OEE Overall Equipment E ?ectiveness OEE is an important tool in the pharmaceutical packaging and food processing industries In fact in any capital intens

A Guide to OEE A Guide to OEE Overall Equipment E ?ectiveness CA Guide to OEE Understanding OEE Overall Equipment E ?ectiveness OEE is an important tool in the pharmaceutical packaging and food processing industries In fact in any capital intensive business OEE improvement is a critical methodology to drive improved e ?ciency higher quality and reduced cost This white paper is intended to serve as a guide for professionals in the pharmaceutical life sciences and other regulated manufacturing industries who want to understand what Overall Equipment E ?ectiveness OEE can deliver for their business OEE WAS FIRST USED BY SEIICHI NAKAJIMA THE With accurate OEE measurement it is possible to pick FATHER OF TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE IN the projects with the quickest returns Accurate OEE DESCRIBING ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL MEASURES measurement makes it possible to identify the correct TO TRACK PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE approach and select the appropriate improvement tools and techniques OEE tracks the value-added productivity of equipment It is a measure of the number of good shippable units WHY MEASURING DOWNTIME IS NOT ENOUGH produced compared to the quantity which should be While many companies focus on downtime losses as a produced based on the scheduled time and measure of equipment the speci ?ed equipment rate On average ??Accurate OEE measure- performance an OEE plants waste up to of their capacity ment makes it possible to approach will quickly through stops speed losses interruptions and defects identify the correct make it apparent that there are also other forms approach and select the of losses on most manu- appropriate improvement facturing lines Downtime tools and techniques ? measurement alone ignores the losses due to reduced speed and minor stoppages as well as the sensitivities of the equipment to di ?erent product types Some products can be more di ?cult to make and have more breakdowns and qual- ity problems OEE captures all the losses and ensures that no performance improvement opportunities are ignored Despite investments in manufacturing planning and control systems most plants have a poor overall performance rate Plant managers often don't know the true performance of the factory and may be unsure of how to improve it Implementing OEE measurement tools and techniques provides a much clearer understanding of where improvements can be made There are many ways to improve OEE performance Some of these improvements may require substantial ?nancial investments while others can be achieved at minimal cost STEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL OEE PROGRAM Identify the Project Team Communicate the program objectives Establish the current OEE level Validate existing data Carry out Activity Analyses and identify bottlenecks Evaluate work methods and sta ?ng Analyse maintenance planning and execution Compare existing performance to industry ? best practices ? Identify and quantify the OEE opportunities De ?ne the target OEE performance Identify the actions and resources Develop an Implementation Plan with speci ?c mile- stones Communicate the plan and set-up project boards Set up a regular measurement and review process Identify the mechanisms which will sustain the

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