Dscout guide Whether you ? re beginning a new job position or project ?? here are a few fundamental ??to-do ? s to mark done ASAP A Getting Started Checklist for User Researchers dscout com CI recently started as the ?rst and only user researcher at a won

Whether you ? re beginning a new job position or project ?? here are a few fundamental ??to-do ? s to mark done ASAP A Getting Started Checklist for User Researchers dscout com CI recently started as the ?rst and only user researcher at a wonderful startup based in Berlin It wasn ? t my ?rst role in user research nor was it my ?rst coming in as the sole user researcher So while I had the normal pre- jitters associated with starting a new position I still felt con ?dent I had a small list of items I really wanted to accomplish in the ?rst three months and left the rest up to experience and memory I had never really made a ??getting started checklist ? for any of my past roles so why should this be di ?erent Now three months later I certainly wish I had this list in front of me when I started It would ? ve provided some much-needed focus and guidance as I parsed through some unanticipated roadblocks Amongst the hurdles dealing with GDPR working with a newly formed scrum team and setting up an annual budget without knowing much about the overall company budget Needless to say I got sidetracked from my normal routine and found myself a little lost I was thrown directly into new teams and I didn ? t have the time to properly talk to the people I needed to talk to or get the clarity I needed to hit the ground running So I put together a checklist to help others when starting a new user research Nikki Anderson Nikki Anderson on Medium A Getting Started Checklist for User Researchers dscout com CYour First Two Weeks Know the industry ins and outs Take the time to develop a deep understanding of the industry by researching market trends competitors and ?eld-speci ?c jargon This will put you in a good place to understand where your product ?ts and how it could improve in the space It should also improve your capacity to understand research participants and project stakeholders down the line If you ? re not sure where to start downloading Forrester ? s industry reports or taking a look at Crunchbase should make for a good jumping-o ? point If you have the time and really want to understand the industry you could conduct or push the strategy team to conduct a full SWOT analysis Do walkthroughs of the product by yourself and with other team members Within the ?rst two weeks record yourself walking through the product noting anything that doesn ? t currently make sense Treat this almost like a loose heuristic evaluation Pro Tip This is often a task worth taking on with other team members It ? s a great way to meet your colleagues enrich your knowledge and introduce them to your new role Make time to meet with the people you ? ll be working with most frequently ??including stakeholders across

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  • Publié le Oct 12, 2022
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  • Taille du fichier 52.6kB