Res guide 2014 Wharton MBA ? Class of resource guide www wharton upenn edu mbaresource Explore Options Plan Your MBA Academic Program The Wharton Academic Environment THE MBA LEARNING ENVIRONMENT CORE VALUES Learning is an active experience at Wharton emp
Wharton MBA ? Class of resource guide www wharton upenn edu mbaresource Explore Options Plan Your MBA Academic Program The Wharton Academic Environment THE MBA LEARNING ENVIRONMENT CORE VALUES Learning is an active experience at Wharton emphasizing collective exploration of intellectually challenging ideas While our courses employ a variety of pedagogical approaches the following values lie at the core of the classroom learning experience Leadership Leading our companies our communities and our countries Integrity Showing integrity and perseverance in the face of adversity Humility Individual humility and collective pride Initiative Sharing an instinct for action Learning From our professors peers and pursuits Diversity Utilizing di ?erences to foster innovation in business Community Discovering a lifetime of unity and support LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND CONCERT RULES To engender a classroom experience most conducive for learning the following norms are expected in the Wharton MBA classroom We a ?ectionately refer to these guidelines as ??Concert Rules ? alluding to the environment one ordinarily ?nds at an orchestral performance By labeling them as such they become an intuitively understood set of expectations Concert Rules ? Class starts and ends exactly on time Students and faculty are expected to be prompt ? Students sit according to a seating chart ? Students remain in attendance for the duration of class except in an emergency ? Students display name tents ? All electronic devices are turned o ? To get the most out of your MBA experience preparing for and attending classes are the most important steps you will take Doing so allows you to engage your classmates and professors advance your studies and position yourself as a knowledgeable thoughtful colleague It is with these goals in mind that we invite you to participate actively in our ??concert ? THE WHARTON GRADUATE ETHICS CODE The mission of the Wharton School Graduate Division Code of Ethics is ? to promote the growth of ethically responsible business managers at the Graduate Division of the Wharton School through adherence to the highest standards of academic integrity and overall ethical conduct ? to develop a sense of individual responsibility on the part of each member of the Wharton community to participate actively in maintaining such standards ? to foster an environment of honor and trust within the Wharton community and ? to engender respect for the ethical standards of the Wharton graduate Ful ?lling this mission is a collective responsibility of the members of the Wharton community Striving for adherence to high standards of ethics will enhance the quality of the Wharton experience will enrich the image of Wharton and strengthen the equity associated with the Wharton degree and will reinforce the societal norms of moral responsibility Extract from the Preamble of the Wharton Graduate Code of Ethics The full text appears on page QUICK DIRECTORY Have a question about Academic Advising Career Management Computer Consulting Assistance O ?-Campus Housing Escort Service WALK Penn Transit RIDE Financial Aid Student Loans Tuition Bills ID Cards CARD Emergency Numbers On-campus emergencies or Police
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- Publié le Nov 15, 2022
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