Sme guide Small and Medium Enterprises Business Guide SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES SME BUSINESS GUIDE SUPPORTED BY MARCH Uganda Investment Authority ? CSmall and Medium Enterprises Business Guide Foreword The Uganda Investment Authority UIA is proud to in
Small and Medium Enterprises Business Guide SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES SME BUSINESS GUIDE SUPPORTED BY MARCH Uganda Investment Authority ? CSmall and Medium Enterprises Business Guide Foreword The Uganda Investment Authority UIA is proud to introduce this ?rst Small and Medium Enterprises Business Guide Small and Medium Enterprises SME are the backbone of the Ugandan economy They contribute to job creation and poverty reduction SMEs need to be supported to grow from small enterprises to medium and large businesses This guide provides information and contacts on business licensing access to ?nance entrepreneurship skills training business development services and taxation incentives I wish to especially thank the Icelandic International Development Agency ICEIDA which has funded not only this guide but also entrepreneurship skills training and business development support for SMEs Uganda Investment Authority has partnered with Makerere University Business School Management Training and Advisory Centre and Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Association Limited to deliver these services To my fellow entrepreneurs I encourage you to use this Small and Medium Enterprises Business Guide to increase the pro ?tability of your business Patrick Bitature Chairman Uganda Investment Authority Uganda Investment Authority ? CSmall and Medium Enterprises Business Guide Table of Content I INTRODUCTION Error Bookmark not de ?ned II OPERATING ENVIRONMENT FOR SMES III GUIDE IN BRIEF MODULE ONE PROCEDURE FOR ESTABLISHING AN SME IN UGANDA SECTOR SPECIFIC PERMITS OR LICENSES MODULE TWO ACCESSING BUSINESS FINANCE MODULE THREE ACCESSING BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FOR SMEs CAPACITY BUILDING TRAINING AND BUSINESS COUNSELING SERVICES EXPORT MARKET ACCESS TRADE RESEARCH PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND INITIATIVES FOR SMES BUSINESS VENTURE SUPPORT MODULE FOUR OTHER BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES LEGAL SERVICE ARBITRATION AND JUSTICE BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS AUDITING SERVICES PRACTICAL TAXATION TIPS AND INCENTIVE REGIMES FOR SMES APPENDIX USEFUL CONTACTS APPENDIX UTILITIES GOVERNMENT MINISTRIES PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS Uganda Investment Authority ? CSmall and Medium Enterprises Business Guide ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADB BDS BUDS CDE CICS ETP GDP ICEIDA MFI MCP MSME MTAC MTCS MTTI MUBS NAADS NEMA NGOs NUMA NVTI NWSC PEAP PFSU PIRT PMA PSFU PTA RBPU SME UBOS UGT UIA ULAIA UMA UMI UNBS USSIA African Development Bank Business Development Services Business Uganda Development Scheme Center for Economic Development Competitiveness and Investment Climate Strategy Entrepreneurship Training Programme Gross Domestic Product Icelandic International Development Agency Micro Finance Institutions Master Craftsman Programme Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Management Training and Advisory Center Medium Term Competitiveness Strategy Ministry of Tourism Trade and Industry Makerere University Business School National Agriculture Advisory Services National Environment Management Authority Non Governmental Organizations Northern Uganda Manufacturers Association Nakawa Vocational Training Institute National Water and Sewerage Corporation Poverty Eradication Action Plan Private Sector Foundation Uganda Presidential Investors Round Table Plan for Modernization of Agriculture Private Sector Foundation Uganda Preferential Trade Area Regulatory Best Practice Unit Small and Medium Enterprises Uganda Bureau of Statistics Uganda Gatsby Trust Uganda Investment Authority Uganda Leather Allied Industries Association Uganda Manufacturers Association Uganda Management Institute Uganda National Bureau of Standards Uganda small scale Industries association Uganda Investment Authority ? CSmall and Medium Enterprises
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- Publié le Jul 19, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 232.3kB