khz user guide USER GUIDE USER GUIDE COM ET ST -IMP- - Edition Edition Date Status Class April EATMP approved General Public Edition Page i C C USER GUIDE IMPORTANT NOTE Since the initial print of the User Guide Edition several corrections have been made

USER GUIDE USER GUIDE COM ET ST -IMP- - Edition Edition Date Status Class April EATMP approved General Public Edition Page i C C USER GUIDE IMPORTANT NOTE Since the initial print of the User Guide Edition several corrections have been made These corrections are listed below according to page number and section accompanied by a description of the change PAGES AFFECTE D SECTIONS AFFECTE D DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sentence ? If your aircraft is UHF equipped insert the letter ? U ? in ?eld of the ?led ight plan ? inserted at the end of paragraph Dual radio requirement emphasised ?? Latest Update of EUR State Contact Person details Annex A ? ? changed to ? ? and ? ? changed to ? ? in column D of the ? Designation of VHF Channels with and kHz Spacing ? Table See note below Other minor corrections to spelling and formats have also been incorporated Note It should be noted that kHz FREQUENCIES are speci ?ed by ICAO in Annex with digits digits after the decimal point and kHz CHANNELS are speci ?ed with digits digits after the decimal point It is imperative that the word ??CHANNEL ? and the DIGITS after the decimal point are used in the kHz airspace The numbering scheme is illustrated in the table given in Annex A of the User Guide Ed Edition Page i a C USER GUIDE ADDENDUM to User Guide Edition The provisions related to ight planning in support of the kHz Channel Spacing Implementation Programme as described in ICAO Doc have been reviewed by members of the ATM Procedures Project of EUROCONTROL As a result of this review the Programme Management Cell has decided to include this addendum with Edition of the User Guide to restate the procedures in precise unambiguous wording so that there is no possibility for misinterpretation It must be emphasised that the procedures have not changed This addendum is simply intended to clarify the wording Indication in the ight plan of kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment For ights conducted wholly or partly above FL in the ICAO EUR Region in addition to the letter S and or any other letters as appropriate the letter Y shall be inserted in ?eld of the ight plan for aircraft equipped with kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment or the indicator STS EXM shall be included in ?eld for aircraft not equipped but the entire ight is planned in accordance with published exemptions from the mandatory carriage requirement State aircraft equipped with UHF radios should insert the letter U in ?eld Aircraft equipped with kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment normally capable of operating above FL but planning to y below this level shall include the letter Y as speci ?ed above Note - The indicator STS EXM must only be used in accordance with an exemption published in an Aeronautical Information Publication AIP for the relevant State s The absence of the letter Y and or presence of

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