Audit guide 1 AUDIT GUIDE TO PART ONTARIO FIRE CODE February MINISTRY OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL CTable of Contents Introduction How to Use the Audit Guide and Commentary Decision Flow Chart to Implement Part List of Topics in Aud

AUDIT GUIDE TO PART ONTARIO FIRE CODE February MINISTRY OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL CTable of Contents Introduction How to Use the Audit Guide and Commentary Decision Flow Chart to Implement Part List of Topics in Audit Guide Audit Guide Appendix A Selecting The Appropriate Portion of The Audit Guide Appendix B Glossary of Words and Phrases February CIMPLEMENTING PART REQUIREMENTS INTRODUCTION On August Part of the Ontario Fire Code OFC dealing with ammable and combustible liquids takes e ?ect Compliance with Part has been phased in based on the speci ?c requirements There are three compliance dates The ?rst compliance date coincides with the e ?ective date of August and applies primarily to preventative and maintenance procedures The second compliance date is August at which time requirements that have a high life safety impact must be completed All other requirements with a few exceptions have a compliance date of August It is important to recognize that a de ?ciency that is not corrected by the compliance date is a violation of the OFC and is subject to prosecution A building permit may be required where corrective action involves material alterations to building structures or ?re safety systems To assist property owners in implementing these new requirements an Audit Guide and a Commentary have been developed by the O ?ce of the Fire Marshal with the assistance of ?re service and industry stakeholders These documents are designed to provide an overview of the regulation governing use handling and storage of ammable and combustible liquids Not all of the requirements are addressed in these two documents Persons using these guides are reminded that for accurate and complete reference recourse should be made to the actual regulations since the an Audit Guide and Commentary do not replace the speci ?c OFC requirements The OFC an Audit Guide and Commentary may be purchased from Publications Ontario Orders may be placed over the phone by dialing - - - HOW TO USE THE AUDIT GUIDE AND COMMENTARY It is suggested that owners begin their review by working through the Audit Guide The information in this Audit Guide is structured as a series of questions where a ??no ? N response to a question means that it is likely that the feature under examination does not comply with OFC requirements The OFC reference is included to assist users to quickly access speci ?c requirements Further information explaining OFC requirements is contained in the Commentary De ?ciencies must be corrected by the compliance date which is referred to by the subscript numerals in the ??No ? column For example the subscript e g N means that the due date for compliance is August which is two years after the e ?ective date of August February CCompliance may be achieved by upgrading to satisfy the speci ?c requirement or implementing an approved Compliance Alternative as described in Articles and Either way the work must be completed by the compliance date A decision ow

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