Based on the paradigms with the grammar in book 17 alc book 17 grammar guide lesson 1

Book Lessons - Skill Grammar Building ELT Miller Type of Activity Self-guided review Instructions Read over grammatical concepts and try to build new sentences based on the paradigms Learning Objectives For the student to review and further familiarize himself with the grammar in Book It It SUBJECT The boys The workers Messi The class ALC Book Grammar Guide Lesson What does it like VERB looks tastes sounds feels smells seems like like A leaf chocolate ice cream a doorbell soft cotton The co ?ee is burning his idea will work appears seems to be appears seems to be ADJECTIVE tired worried scared happy etc Preposition NOUN in a hurry NOUN a good doctor ing ? sleeping trying very hard seem appear seems appears to be to be to be to be glad about their exam scores out of the o ?ce the best soccer player studying for the quiz CActive Voice Passive Voice Passive Voice The cadets cleaned the classroom The classroom was cleaned by the cadets Subject The mechanic Verb ?xed Active Voice Object John ? s car yesterday ? Passive Voice Subject be VERB by Noun was by John ? s car was ?xed by the mechanic yesterday Examples Passive Voice Active Voice The road was closed by the police The cadets were let out early by the Major The gate was left open The police closed the road The Major let the cadets out early Someone left the gate open Adjectives number-noun amount ?ve two forty ?fteen one noun ADJECTIVE man ?ve-man team week ten-day vacation hour forty-hour work week minute ?fteen-minute break liter one-liter bottle Examples We divided the class into ?ve-man teams The cadets get a two-week vacation for Hajj Most jobs have a forty-hour work week After the quiz take a ?fteenminute break Je ? ordered a one-liter bottle of water CLesson Embedded yes no questions with be embedded means inside of something Direct Question ? ? ? ? ? ? Is the bank open Question Could you tell me whether if the bank is open Statement I don ? t know Examples Direct Question Is the bank open Embedded Question Do you know whether if the bank is open Direct Question Is it hot outside Embedded Question Could you tell me whether if it ? s hot outside I can ? t tell you whether if the bank is open We don ? t know whether if the weather it ? s hot outside Embedded yes no questions with Present Simple Direct Question Does the shop take credit cards Question Could you tell me whether if The shop takes credit cards Statement I don ? t know Make sure to delete do does and ADD -s to the verb for he she it Examples Direct Question Does the bank close early on Saturday Embedded Question Do you know whether if the bank closes early on Saturday Direct Question Do you have to work tomorrow Embedded Question Could you tell me whether if you

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