Csci2720 exam1studyguide Note From Aaron I am locking the guide to view only until after the second class is completed with the exam Thanks for being honest guys Study Guide Exam Exam Date TODAY LINK TO PROFESSOR ? S ??STUDY GUIDE ? LINK TO INTRO TO ALGOR
Note From Aaron I am locking the guide to view only until after the second class is completed with the exam Thanks for being honest guys Study Guide Exam Exam Date TODAY LINK TO PROFESSOR ? S ??STUDY GUIDE ? LINK TO INTRO TO ALGORITHMS TEXTBOOK Welcome Please contributewhere you can and feel free to delete anything and rewrite it for ease of reading I will begin adding topics and explanations as I go but please feel free to add if you ? re ahead of me Aaron Apparently the test will be ?? writing code ? No we have no idea what code she might want us to write Yes that ? s ridiculous But just be forewarned if I have to write out merge sort I might get up and leave If anybody understand what she means by ??Recursion Formula ? an explanation would be greatly appreciated D Didn ? t we learn a method to solve the complexity of a recursive formula before we learned the master theorem I think that might be what she is talking about The two things we have to use are the substitution method and the recursiontree method The substitution method involves making a good guess about what it could be and then using mathematical induction to solve it The recursiontree is used when we can ? t accurately make a good guess for the ?rst step This method gives us a more accurate guess that we will then use in the substitution method CKey Concepts Ideas Insertion Sort Binary Search Recursion Formula Time Complexity Master Theorem Merge sort Bubble sort Linked List Stack Queue How does it become k in HW prob below Can anyone explain what she means by ??generalization of case of the master theorem ? on her study guide If you look at wikipedia ? s case two that ? s the extended case It allows you to solve anything like T n aT n b nlogn Is it in the textbook anywhere I need a bit more explanation than wikipedia o ?ers Do we need to know the extended Or just the generalized Might be better to know the extended It ? s the same as the generalized because when k that log raised to k becomes which makes it the same But ? on second thought I don ? t know how to apply it to the di ?erent masters method the one from the youtube video so I might not worry about it CINSERTION SORT General Info Best case O n linear b c it still has to go through each element Worst case O n quadratic Every iteration of the loop will scan and shift the entire sorted portion over before insertion E ?cient for sorting a small number of elements Example run Need to know Algorithm void insertionSort int array int length int j temp for int i i length i j i while j array j array j swap temp array j
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Oct 01, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 56.2kB