Emc filters guide EMC Filters Guide REO INDUCTIVE COMPONENTS AG Bruehler Strasse D- Solingen Germany Tel - - - Fax - - - REO USA East rd Street Indianapolis IN - USA Tel Fax REO UK LTD Units - Long Lane Industrial Estate Craven Arms Shropshire SY DU UK Te

EMC Filters Guide REO INDUCTIVE COMPONENTS AG Bruehler Strasse D- Solingen Germany Tel - - - Fax - - - REO USA East rd Street Indianapolis IN - USA Tel Fax REO UK LTD Units - Long Lane Industrial Estate Craven Arms Shropshire SY DU UK Tel Fax Email sales reo co uk Website www reo co uk REO UK LTD C Electromagnetic ?eld theory What makes up the electromagnetic spectrum Electromagnetic compatibility EMC and the law Where does electromagnetic interference come from EMC ?lters Testing Points to consider when selecting a ?lter Standards Installation Standard ?lters REO UK LTD Units - Long Lane Industrial Estate Craven Arms Shropshire SY DU UK Tel Fax Email sales reo co uk Website www reo co uk Electromagnetic ?eld theory Hans Christian Oersted was a professor of science at Copenhagen University In he arranged a science demonstration to friends and students in his home He planned to demonstrate the heating of a wire by an electric current and also to carry out demonstrations of magnetism for which he provided a compass needle mounted on a wooden stand While performing his electric demonstration Oersted noted to his surprise that every time the electric current was switched on the compass needle moved He kept quiet and ?nished the demonstrations but in the months that followed worked hard trying to make sense out of the new phenomenon But he couldn ? t The needle was neither attracted to the wire nor repelled from it Instead it tended to stand at right angles see drawing below In the end he published his ?ndings in Latin without any explanation N S - CIt was the scientist Michael Faraday who ?rst studied in detail the phenomena involving the interaction between electricity and magnetism Amongst his many achievements he is credited with the construction of the ?rst electric motor and the discovery of both the principle and the method whereby a rotating magnet can be used to create an electric current in a coil of wire still the basis of modern electricity generating plants He also observed the way in which iron ?lings arrange around a magnet They appear to follow lines of magnetism leading out from one magnetic pole and back to the other pole He suggested that the e ?ect of a magnet on a wire carrying a current is the result of lines of force Faraday spent the latter part of his life working to devise an experiment that would con ?rm his theory of electromagnetic ?elds but without success Michael Faraday Finally a Scottish mathematician James Clerk Maxwell picked up on Faraday ? s ideas and was successful in developing a theory of electromagnetism which enabled testable predictions to be made Inspired by Faraday ? s lines of force he developed a model that uni ?ed magnetic and electrical forces Maxwell uni ?ed the study of electricity and magnetism in four tidy equations In essence he discovered that electric and magnetic ?elds were intrinsically related to

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