bibliographie review pym

The Leuven Catalogue Anthony Pym Review published as Bibliographie des traductions françaises Katrin Van Bragt et al Target - Katrin Van Bragt avec la collaboration de Lieven D ? hulst et José Lambert Bibliographie des traductions françaises - Répertoires par disciplines Symbolae Series A Vol Leuven Presses Universitaires de Louvain xxvii pp ISBN X BEF Meyvis Ludo Bibliographie des traductions françaises - Répertoires et analyses électroniques Biblio TF Manuel Leuven Presses Universitaires de Louvain pp CD-ROM ISBN BEF Book CD-ROM for BEF Here it is at long last the fruit of some years of bibliographical research more than pages of catalogued material more than entries indices of authors and translators and a CD-ROM version that enables all sorts of searches to be made speci ?c corpora to be extracted multiple analytical graphics to be seen dancing on the screen instantaneously in colour and with relative con ?dence in the quality of the research This I believe deserves to become a milestone in the long-term development of empirical translation history If I should have few minor quibbles to append let them by no means detract from the basic fact that this is a very very impressive piece of work The researchers especially Katrin Van Bragt who did much of the hard slogging merit our sincere gratitude Let me tentatively call the result a ? catalogue ? since its aim is ostensibly to list all the translations published in France between December and as opposed to a ? corpus ? which I take to be a list constructed only for the testing of speci ?c hypotheses The fundamental source for this catalogue was the Bibliographie de France an o ?cial compilation based on the French dépôt légal system by which printers in France were and still are obliged to deposit duty copies of their publications The Bibliographie de France thus ?xes temporal and geographical limits for this Leuven catalogue at the same time as it o ?ers reasonably homogeneous datacollection criteria for all genres and years producing virtually complete coverage The hard work has thus involved extracting the publications that count as translations either because the titles say so thus including pseudotranslations I ? ll return to this or because the texts themselves are ? traductions manifestes ? thus calling on the researchers to identify the source texts making them ply through many bibliographies C of publications in other languages I ? ll come back to this one too In the process the Bibliothèque de France was found to have ??a small percentage of lacunae imprecisions and contradictions ? van Bragt which should mean that the resulting catalogue of translations is even more reliable than its source bibliography As such the importance of the research cannot be limited to its actual object translations into the French of the complex and turbulent early nineteenth century True valuable research with explicit limitations to French literary history has been based on previous stages of the Leuven catalogue notably Lambert et al and D ? hulst

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