Admission guide incoming freshmen 1

UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES DILIMAN OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR ADMISSION GUIDE INCOMING FRESHMEN Academic Year - ?je ?ersonvillacruz MESSAGE Isang maalab at magpalayang pagbati sa mga UP Diliman UPD freshmen You are entering UPD during our th anniversary marking the transfer of central administrative o ?ces from Manila to Diliman in That move also established Diliman as the agship campus for UP The establishment of UP Diliman was a bold one overcoming heavy opposition from faculty and students who predicted doom and gloom in the still unexplored terrain of Diliman Defying the nay-sayers UP Diliman o ?ers the most comprehensive range of degree programs not just in the UP System but in the entire country Even more importantly UP Diliman has repeatedly taken the lead formulating new subjects curricula and degree programs as well as retooling old ones to respond to the needs of the times Let me name just two important changes in our o ?erings that come into e ?ect this schoolyear ? ? ? One is the option of taking a minor which can be in a discipline very di ?erent from your major A second one is the conversion of previous undergraduate diploma and certi ?cate programs into Associate of Arts degrees We have also introduced many administrative reforms to make your life easier in UPD The joke that UP means University of Pila is now a thing of the past with the continuing development of a sophisticated CRS Computerized Registration System that is homegrown developed by our own UPD team using open source software and surpassing the capabilities of expensive imported systems You are entering UP at a time when we are going full speed with an integration of physical and mental health which we consider vital for academic performance We are tapping many modalities tapping such modalities as music dance sports yoga meditation even emotional support dogs and cats to nurture mind and body Bold visions need not always be new ones Through the last years we have been steadfast in pursuing our social responsibilities about producing iskolar ng bayan committed to social justice I take most pride in the low-pro ?le but powerfully transformative work of our students faculty and sta ? serving the needs of socially marginalized sectors whether our own urban poor settlements in UP Diliman or displaced lumad Mindanao ? s indigenous peoples children I wish you an exciting and productive stay in UP Diliman with hopes that you will have the courage and the boldness of vision of the pioneers of UP Diliman raising high and with pride our banners of honor excellence and compassion Michael Lim Tan DVM PhD Chancellor UP Diliman ADMISSION GUIDE AY - MESSAGE Welcome freshmen I share your enthusiasm and excitement in beginning a new chapter in your lives with the country ? s premier university playing a major role in it UP will be your home for the next four years or so and I urge you to use it to your

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