Exam preparation for delf a1
ORAL EXAM PREPARATION Remember the following Do not Panic and enjoy your exam Greet the teachers with ??Bonjour ? when you enter the room leave by saying ??Bonne Journe ? e ? Prepare well the initial questions which are likely to be asked by default ? Why you are learning French ? How long you are learning it Do not tell one month ? they might get a negative feeling ? What is your profession ? Are you married ? Where do you live You will be asked to prepare your role play for which you will be allotted minutes of preparation time so use this to write the main points in a piece of paper which they give you and u may carry it with you and glance through it nor read from it while presenting your role play with the teacher You may be shown some pictures or words and asked to make questions on them So keep ready all your weapons of combien de ou ? quand pourquoi comment Est-ce-que qui que etc handy Rest assured the teachers will be very niece to you and will help you to express yourself Please click on the link to download your timings Oral Exam Timings for New Delhi center Written Listening Exam Timings at New Delhi center For timings of DELF A B B C C All levels of DELF Junior visit http delhi a ?ndia org node CDELF A Dear Students of DELF A At A level you must be able to say the following e ?ortlessly both at your Oral test activity at DELF A at Canadian Embassy for Quebec PR At Frehindi our courses are designed in such a way that you get all this skill with correct pronunciation in just about about months or less Enjoy the article Mon Travail J ? aime beaucoup mon travail work Il est intéressant et il n ? est jamais never répétitif Je rencontre rencontrer to meet beaucoup de personnes de nationalités di ?érentes Mon travail est agréable il n ? est jamais stressant Je vais au travail avec beaucoup de plaisir J ? ai des collègues italiens espagnols anglais allemands japonais et chinois Dans notre salle de travail on parle beaucoup de langues variées c ? est amusant amusing funny c ? est un mini-monde mini-world Mes Hobbies J ? adore lire Je lis des romans ?ctions anglais modernes ou classiques J ? aime particulirement Jane Austen Je suis une grande romantique Le dernier livre que j ? ai lu lire au passé était d ? un auteur suédois C ? est très populaire en ce moment ??the girl with the dragon tattoo ? C ? est une trilogie C ? est un thriller excellent je l ? ai adoré J ? aime bien les magazines aussi je lis parfois sometimes ? Psychologies ? il y a des articles intéressants Je n ? écoute pas souvent mon ipod parce que j ? ai toujours always un livre à
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- Publié le Mar 14, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 62.1kB