For farm and fleet keep busy with fun snow day activities

Volume No Phone - - ? Web www yourbg com ? E-mail ads yourbg com February Keep busy with fun snow day activities nd Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle Children may revel in the idea of days o ? from schooal due to snow parents may not be as enthusiastic Entertaining children when they typically should be in class can take creativity especially when the weather is inhospitable To alleviate bouts of cabin fever or prevent cases of hypothermia there are many fun things parents can consider And don ? t tell the children but some are educational too Put out bird seed or a suet block and feed the neighborhood birds Shovel a shallow path in the snow around the yard to create a snow maze Build snow blinds behind which kids can hide Check in on elderly friends and neighbors and o ?er to shovel their driveways and walkways if necessary Use spray bottles or squirt bottles ?lled with water and food coloring to draw masterpieces in the snow Rent a movie and cuddle on the couch under blankets Engage in a snowball ?ght Find the tallest hill in the area and test your bravery on the back of a sled Chase the dog around the backyard Dogs often like to play in the snow too Sit in sunny windows and read books silently or to the group Take a nice nap under a warm quilt Bake a batch of brownies or cookies Stk Great Selection of Tractor Commercial Truck Batteries Fanord FFaleremt InStockNow ??The Battery Experts ? Rt Mile South of Martinsburg Winchester - - - - - Tax Preparation With Plus Years Experience P atatis sRo ocbi aerttesson OFF ? Personal Business FREE TAX PREP Must Present Ad ? Bookkeeping ? Payroll ? Notary E-FILING Meadowlane Suite Martinsburg - - ?? WE ARE HERE FOR YOU YEAR ROUND ? Great Prices We Install Everything We Sell VALUABLE COUPON ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Add Beauty and Value to Your Home - For Less OFF Any Special Order Over Not valid with any other o ?ers Coupon must be presented at the time of the sale Expires WINCHESTER AVE MARTINSBURG WV - - MON FRI - ? TUES -THURS - ? SAT - www carpetworldofmartinsburg com FREE PAINT OFF ROLLER KIT per gallon of our best with any gallon paint purchase Aura Interior Paint Limit Kit Per Customer Sale Good - Sale Good - BEST PAINT - BEST KNOWLEDGE - BEST SERVICE Benjamin Moore - ? Rt and Halltown Road Visit us on Facebook Search C T Paint Center ctpaintcenterwv com CPage Buyers Guide - Wednesday February Editorial Courtesy of Quality Service Award Recipient Announced at Berkeley Medical Berkeley Medical Center ? s December Quality Service Award winner Danielle Huter RN center is pictured receiving her award from Karen Pezzanite RN ICU clinical coordinator left and Berkeley Medical Center President COO Anthony P Zelenka right MARTINSBURG W Va ?? Danielle

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  • Publié le Oct 13, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 185.4kB