Bibliographie 37 BIBLIOGRAPHIE Caws Pete'r Str' Jctura ism The Art of the Intelligible At antic Highland N J Humanities Press xiv Pp It is without question the very ?rst work I would recommend to anyone who wants to become know edgeab e about structura is

BIBLIOGRAPHIE Caws Pete'r Str' Jctura ism The Art of the Intelligible At antic Highland N J Humanities Press xiv Pp It is without question the very ?rst work I would recommend to anyone who wants to become know edgeab e about structura ism--and i ewise to anyone who has been inc ined to dismiss it Forrest Wi iams University of Co rado Cel Howard R and James MacAdam Rousseau's Response to Hobbes New York Berne Frankfurt Paris Peter Lang Pub ishing xii Pp Chappe Vere and Wi is Doney Twentv- ?ve years of Descartes Scholarship - A Biblioqraphy New York Garland Pub ishinq Pp Derrida Jacques Of Spirit Chicago The University of Chicaqo Press forthcominq Gerassi John Jean-Paul Sartre Hated Conscience of His Century Volume Protestant or Protestor University of Chicaqo Press Pp Harari Josu V Scenarios of the imaqinary Theorizing the French Enliqhtenment Corne University Pp Kronegqer Mar ies Ed Ph nom noloqie et itt rature Colloque de Cerisy- Ia-Salle Michael Co ette Ed Sade His Ethic and Rhetoric New York Garland Publishing Pau son Michael G The Possible Inf uence of Mont- aigne' sEssais on Descartes' Treatise on the Passions Univ Press of America Pp Reiss Timothy J The Uncertainty of Analysis Problems in Truth Meaninq and Culture Cornell University Press Pp Starobinski Jean ean-Jacgues ROU seau Transparency and Obstruction Trans by A Go dhammer Introduction by R J Morrissey Univ of Chicaqo press xxxviii Pp C

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