Bibliography 2023 03 27T105407 103

BIBLIOGRAPHY V K Ahuja Law relating to Intellectual Property Rights st Edition rd Reprint LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa Nagpur Dr B L Wadhera Law Relating to Intellectual Property th Edition Universal Law Publishing Company New Delhi BIBLIOGRAPHY Dr Raj Kailash ? Taxation Laws ? Allahabad Law Agency th edition Faridabad Haryana T Padma Dr ??Principle of Law of Taxation ? ALT Publication th Edition Dr Vinod K Singhania and Dr Monica Singhania ??Students Guide to Income Tax ? th ed Taxmann Publication Ltd T R Rustagi ??India Master Service Tax Guide ? Eastern Book Company BIBLIOGRAPHY Arjun Prasad Nagore Biological Diversity and International Environmental Law A P H Publishing Corporation New Delhi Ashish Kothari Understanding Biodiversity Orient Longman Hyderabad John Copeland Nagle J B Ruhl The Law of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management Foundation Press New York BIBLIOGRAPHY Introduction to the Interpretation of Statutes by Dr Avtar Singh and Dr Harpreet Kaur rd Edition Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa Nagpur Principles of Statutory Interpretation by Justice G P Singh th Edition Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa Nagpur Maxwell on The Interpretation of Statutes J Langan th Edition Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa Nagpur Parliamentary Debates in Statutory Interpretation A Question of Admissibility or Weight Stephan Beaulac C

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