Bibliography 10 Pilgrimage in Graeco-Roman and Early Christian Antiquity Seeing the Gods Jas Elsner and Ian Rutherford Print publication date Print ISBN- Published to Oxford Scholarship Online Jan- DOI acprof oso Bibliography DOI acprof oso Bibliography r

Pilgrimage in Graeco-Roman and Early Christian Antiquity Seeing the Gods Jas Elsner and Ian Rutherford Print publication date Print ISBN- Published to Oxford Scholarship Online Jan- DOI acprof oso Bibliography DOI acprof oso Bibliography references Abu Assaf A Der Tempel von ? Ain Dara Mainz Adams C and R Laurence Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire London Albright W F Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan London Alcock S E Graecia Capta The Landscapes of the Roman Greece Cambridge ?? ?? ? Landscapes of Memory and the Authority of Pausanias ? in J Bingen ed Pausanias Historien Fondation Hardt pour l ? Étude de l ? antiquitÉ classique Entretiens ?? ?? ?? a ? Minding the Gap in Hellenistic and Roman Greece ? in S Alcock and R Osborne eds Placing the Gods Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece Oxford ?? ?? ?? b ? Greece a Landscape of Resistance ? in Mattingly ?? ?? ?? ? The Recon ?guration of Memory in the Eastern Roman Empire ? in S E Alcock T D Altroy K Morrison and C Sinopoli eds Empires Perspectives from Archaeology and History Cambridge ?? Page of Bibliography PRINTED FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE www oxfordscholarship com c Copyright Oxford University Press All Rights Reserved Under the terms of the licence agreement an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a monograph in OSO for personal use for details see http www oxfordscholarship com page privacy-policy Subscriber University of Oxford date May C ?? ?? J F Cherry and J Elsner eds Pausanias Travel and Memory in Roman Greece Oxford Aleshire S The Athenian Asclepieion The People their Dedications and the Inventories Amsterdam Alf? ldy G ? El santuario rupestre de Pano ?ias ? Madrider Mitteilungen des Deutschen Arch? ologischen Instituts ?? and pls ?? Altermüller H ? Die Fahrt der Hathor nach Edfu und die ??Heilige Hochzeit ? ? in W Clarysse A Schoors and H Willems eds Égyptian Religion The Last Thousand Years Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Jan Quaegebeur Leuven ?? Alliot M ?? Le culte d ? Horus a Edfou au temps des Ptolemies Bibliothèque d ? Etude Cairo Amandry M Le monnayage des duovirs corinthiens BCH Suppl Paris Amandry P ? Convention Religieuse conclue entre Delphes et Skiathos ? BCH ? ?? ?? La mantique Apollinienne à Delphes Paris p AmÉlineau E Étude sur le christianisme en Égypte au septième siècle Paris ?? ?? Histoire des monastères de la Base Égypte Annales du Musée Guimet Paris Anderson G Philostratus Biography and Belles Lettres in the Third Century A D London ?? ?? ? The Pepaideumenos in Action Sophists and their Outlook in the Early Roman Empire ? ANRW ?? ?? ?? The Second Sophistic A Cultural Phenomenon in the Roman Empire London ?? ?? Sage Saint and Sophist Holy Men and their Associates in the Early Roman Empire London Page of Bibliography PRINTED FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE www oxfordscholarship com c Copyright Oxford University

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