Bibliography 72 Bibliography Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzsche Friedrich S? mtliche Werke Kritische Studienausgabe vols ed Giorgio Colli und Mazzino Montinari Berlin Walter De Guyter http www geocities com thenietzschechannel ntextger htm and http www geociti

Bibliography Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzsche Friedrich S? mtliche Werke Kritische Studienausgabe vols ed Giorgio Colli und Mazzino Montinari Berlin Walter De Guyter http www geocities com thenietzschechannel ntextger htm and http www geocities com thenietzschechannel notes htm trans unknown ??The Birth of Tragedy and The Case of Wagner trans Walter Kaufmann New York Random House ?? ??On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life ? in Untimely Meditations trans R J Hollingdale Cambridge Cambridge University Press ?? Human All Too Human A Book for Free Spirits trans R J Hollingdale Cambridge Cambridge University Press ?? Daybreak trans R J Hollingdale Cambridge Cambridge University Press ?? The Gay Science trans Walter Kaufmann New York Random House ?? Thus Spoke Zarathustra in The Portable Nietzsche ed and trans Walter Kaufmann New York Penguin Books ?? Beyond Good and Evil trans Walter Kaufmann New York Vintage Books ?? On the Genealogy of Morals trans Walter Kaufmann and R J Hollingdale and Ecce Homo trans Walter Kaufmann New York Vintage Books ?? Twilight of the Idols in The Portable Nietzsche ed and trans Walter Kaufmann New York Penguin Books ?? The Antichrist in The Portable Nietzsche ed and trans Walter Kaufmann New York Penguin Books ?? The Will to Power ed Walter Kaufmann trans Walter Kaufmann and R J Hollingdale New York Random House CSecondary Writings Allison David B ed The New Nietzsche Contemporary Styles of Interpretation London MIT Press Blanchot Maurice ??The Limits of Experience Nihilism ? trans John Leavey in David B Allison ed The New Nietzsche Contemporary Styles of Interpretation London MIT Press ?? The In ?nite Conversation trans Susan Hanson Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press ?? ??The Exigency of Return ? trans Susan Hanson in Michael Holland ed The Blanchot Reader Oxford Blackwell ?? ??The Exigency of Return ? trans Michael Holland in Michael Holland ed The Blanchot Reader Oxford Blackwell Breazeale Daniel ed Philosophy and Truth selections from Nietzsche ? s notebooks of the early s trans Daniel Breazeale Amherst Humanity Books Deleuze Gilles Nietzsche and Philosophy trans Hugh Tomlinson New York Columbia University Press Gilman Sander L ed Friedrich Nietzsche on Rhetoric and Language trans Sander L Gilman Carole Blair and David J Parent Oxford Oxford University Press Heidegger Martin Nietzsche Volume II The Eternal Recurrence of the Same ed and trans David F Krell New York Harper and Row Publishers ?? ?? Who is Nietzsche ? s Zarathustra ? in Nietzsche Volume II The Eternal Recurrence of the Same ed and trans David F Krell New York Harper and Row Publishers Kaufmann Walter ed The Portable Nietzsche trans Walter Kaufmann New York Penguin Books Klossowski Pierre Nietzsche and The Vicious Circle trans Daniel W Smith Chicago The University of Chicago Press Large Duncan ??On ? Untimeliness ? Temporal Structures in Nietzsche or ? The Day After Tomorrow Belongs to Me ? ? The Journal Of Nietzsche Studies Issue L? with Karl Meaning in History Chicago The University of Chicago Press McNeill Will ??Forgetting Eternal Return ? Journal

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