Careers guide final The New Zealand Law Students ? Careers Guide Sponsored by the Auckland Law School i CNew ZealaNd ? s laRGesT law school Is proud to sponsor the New Zealand Law Students ? Careers Guide The Auckland Law School ? Is ranked the best law s

The New Zealand Law Students ? Careers Guide Sponsored by the Auckland Law School i CNew ZealaNd ? s laRGesT law school Is proud to sponsor the New Zealand Law Students ? Careers Guide The Auckland Law School ? Is ranked the best law school in New Zealand and one of the best law schools in the world ? O ?ers the largest range of undergraduate courses ? Has the highest entry standards for second year law meaning our graduates are highly sought after ? Has outstanding facilities including the Davis Law Library New Zealand ? s leading legal research library ? Is situated in the heart of the legal precinct in the centre of New Zealand ? s largest city ? O ?ers an extensive study abroad programme with of our students spending a semester abroad ? Provides a wealth of opportunities for students to participate in national and international competitions community placements and the Equal Justice Project ? Has won the national mooting championships seven of the last eight years ? Has very active and supportive M? ori and Paci ?c law student societies and programmes Phone Email undergradlaw auckland ac nz Facebook www facebook com akllawschool QS World University Rankings in Law ranked th in the world ii for more information visit www law auckland ac nz school-leavers CMessage from the Editors Our names are Nick and Michael we ? re two members of the Auckland University Law Students ? Society executive and we ? re the editors of the inaugural New Zealand Law Students ? Careers Guide We ? ve spent our summer badgering law ?rms and interviewing some quite incredible people to put this publication together A careers guide by students for students is something that we think New Zealand law schools sorely need The overwhelming opinion amongst the people in the profession that we spoke to was that a law degree presents so many options and opportunities but too often students only hear about a few of them The goal of this ?rst edition of the Careers Guide is to start a more diverse and informed dialogue about careers in the law among undergraduate law students which future editions can build upon The New Zealand Law Students ? Careers Guide would not have been possible without the help of numerous people and organisations Thank you to all of the individuals and agencies that responded encouragingly and helpfully to our countless emails and phone calls Thanks to Michael Heron and Jan Blair who were particularly generous with both their time and their connections Thank you most of all to the Auckland Law School and in particular Dean Andrew Stockley without whose innovative thinking this guide would never have happened We hope that this guide will open your eyes to the wide array of possibilities ahead of you as you begin your legal career Nick Fenton and Michael Smol Editors Disclaimer Although every reasonable e ?ort is made to ensure accuracy the information in this document

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