Ged quick guide amp guide links ny

New York State Education Department GED Prep Program Quick Guide ? Determine GED students ? readiness to test using the OPT O ?cial Practice Test observing strict time limits on each subtest ? Begin application process with students once they have achieved at least on the OPT for students in an EPE funded prep program and at least minimum score as per ACE GEDTS passing score may soon be increased in NYS in each subtest by o determining eligibility of students to sit for the GED Test students years of age or older do not need proof of age eligibility students through years of age must have proof of age eligibility by completing one of the following Attachments - B C D or E in advance of the GED test students from foreign countries who are or years of age need notarized letters and proof of US entry dates as substitutes for Attachment B see shaded paragraph on page of GED Prep Program Guide or the top of page in the GED Test Administration Handbook o helping students complete Attachment A ?? Application for GED Testing o helping students with disabilities complete one of four available forms requesting testing accommodations Forms are downloadable from http www acces nysed gov ged accomodations html o informing students with disabilities of accommodations available that do not require approval by GEDTS trained personnel ? Remind students of the ID required on the day of GED testing see page of the GED Chief Examiner ? s Manual for New York State GED Test Administration ? Practice completing the demographic information sections of Parts and of the sample New York State GED Examination Booklet with candidate prior to GED test date ? Ensure that test candidates are familiar with the use of the Casio fx calculator ? Complete TAF testing Authorization Form for each test candidate ?? Forms are available at http www acces nysed gov ged documents TAFRequestForm pdf o The TAF must contain all the following information To be completed by test candidate last name and ?rst name date of TAF completion social security number date of birth To be completed by school administrator GED preparation program code assigned by the NYSED GED Testing O ?ce Codes are currently being reviewed and changed Rev Cas needed by NYSED sta ? preparation program name date of candidate ? s discharge from a regular full-time high school program if candidate is or years of age date of enrollment in a High School Equivalency Preparation Program if candidate is or years of age O ?cial Practice Test OPT scores ?? subtest scores and total OPT score name of contact person at the GED prep program signature of the school administrator GED prep program administrator the school administrator ? s phone number Note It is recommended that GED test candidates be encouraged to use their Social Security numbers when completing the test candidate section of the TAF This will allow them to access the new GED Status Report

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  • Publié le Aoû 28, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 42kB