Cracking guide Cracking Money Making Guide v Thanks for purchasing this guide This guide is split up into the following sections Introduction Key Terms used in the Community Key Programs Basic step-by-step Guide on setting up your PC for Cracking and Info

Cracking Money Making Guide v Thanks for purchasing this guide This guide is split up into the following sections Introduction Key Terms used in the Community Key Programs Basic step-by-step Guide on setting up your PC for Cracking and Information on how to start Some detailed info about some things in cracking that you will need to know about Before I begin I would like to list o ? some terms that are used in the cracking community HQ High Quality LQ Low Quality Dump An assortment of accounts that someone has posted Combo list An account that is listed in email pass format or user pass Con ?g A con ?guration ?le I explain this later Proxies These are dedicated servers that con ?gs use to check accounts some con ?gs do not require these though Key Programs -Sandboxie YOU NEED THIS PROGRAM READ BELOW -SQLi Dumper v to penetrate databases with dorks -Hashcat a very HQ hash cracker wordlists needed -Hasi ?er hash identi ?cation program -Sentry MBA to check accounts -A few checkers Working as of Download All Here Je ?marsh Pixel Nulled to CSandboxie Info Sandboxie is a program that you need to use whenever a program has a RAT remote access trojan or some sort of virus in it it will keep you safe by making by the program does not send any extra data to your PC other than what the program is made for More about it here Now onto the Steps Je ?marsh Pixel Nulled to CSTEP The ?rst thing you want to do is get the essential programs and various lists for cracking This involves SQLi Dumper Hashcat Wordlists A good checker I rec SNIPR for a checker Sentry MBA good con ?gs I advise you to buy some good ones proxies and a good VPN more about that soon There are obviously more things that you may need while cracking but those are the main ones I use Some people use a program called Slayer Leecher by X-Slayer to get combos but it gets very LQ combos that are public so stay away from it STEP Download a good VPN a VPN virtual private network will help you remain anonymous while using the internet by changing your IP making it harder for websites and other users to discover your IP leading to your address real name etc getting leaked I recommend NordVPN HideMyAss HMA or ExpressVPN you just need one that DOES NOT LOG this is very important you do not want the VPN company keeping logs of the sites you visit You will need a subscription paid account to most good VPNs but you can ?nd plenty of cheap account providers on the web STEP Now this is where you need to start cracking your own accounts You will need SQLi Dumper v is the best Hashcat or any dehasher good HQ Dorks and a VPN some other things you may come across but these are the main tools

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