Guide 2023 05 30T082920 444

Cisco ISE Ports Reference ? Cisco ISE All Persona Nodes Ports on page ? Cisco ISE Infrastructure on page ? Cisco ISE Administration Node Ports on page ? Cisco ISE Monitoring Node Ports on page ? Cisco ISE Policy Service Node Ports on page ? Cisco ISE pxGrid Service Ports on page ? OCSP and CRL Service Ports on page Cisco ISE All Persona Nodes Ports Table Ports Used by All Nodes Cisco ISE Service Ports on Gigabit Ethernet or Bond Ports on Other Ethernet Interfaces Gigbit Ethernet through or Bond and Replication and Synchronization ? HTTPS SOAP TCP ?? ? Data synchronization Replication JGroups TCP Global ? ISE Messaging Service SSL TCP Cisco ISE Infrastructure This appendix lists the TCP and User Datagram Protocol UDP ports that Cisco ISE uses for intranetwork communications with external applications and devices The Cisco ISE ports listed in this appendix must be open on the corresponding ?rewall Keep in mind the following information when con ?guring services on a Cisco ISE network ? Cisco ISE management is restricted to Gigabit Ethernet Cisco ISE Ports Reference CCisco ISE Administration Node Ports Cisco ISE Ports Reference ? RADIUS listens on all network interface cards NICs ? Cisco ISE server interfaces do not support VLAN tagging If you are installing on a hardware appliance ensure that you disable VLAN trunking on switch ports that are used to connect to Cisco ISE nodes and con ?gure them as access layer ports ? All NICs can be con ?gured with IP addresses Cisco ISE Administration Node Ports The following table lists the ports used by the Administration nodes Cisco ISE Ports Reference CCisco ISE Ports Reference Cisco ISE Administration Node Ports Table Ports Used by the Administration Nodes Cisco ISE Service Administration Ports on Gigabit Ethernet or Bond Ports on Other Ethernet Interfaces Gigbit Ethernet through or Bond and ? HTTP TCP HTTPS ?? TCP TCP redirected to TCP not con ?gurable ? SSH Server TCP ? External RESTful Services ERS REST API TCP ? To manage guest accounts from Admin GUI TCP ? ElasticSearch Context Visibility to replicate data from primary to secondary Admin node TCP Note Ports and support Admin web applications and are enabled by default HTTPS and SSH access to Cisco ISE is restricted to Gigabit Ethernet TCP must be open on both Primary and Secondary Administration Nodes for incoming tra ?c Monitoring SNMP Query UDP Note This port is route table dependent Logging Outbound ? Syslog UDP TCP ? Secure Syslog TCP Note Default ports are con ?gurable for external logging ? SNMP Traps UDP Cisco ISE Ports Reference CCisco ISE Monitoring Node Ports Cisco ISE Ports Reference Cisco ISE Service External Identity Sources and Resources Outbound Email Smart Licensing Ports on Gigabit Ethernet or Bond Ports on Other Ethernet Interfaces Gigbit Ethernet through or Bond and ? Admin User Interface and Endpoint Authentications ? LDAP TCP UDP ? SMB TCP ? KDC TCP ? KPASS TCP ? WMI TCP ? ODBC Note

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  • Publié le Jul 02, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 41.4kB