Onomasiological studies Sources for Onomasiological Studies last updated March compiled by Joachim Grzega For bibliographical information I would like to thank Bernd Gliwa Marion Sch? ner Werner Voigt and Viola Vo? For many interesting bibliographical hin
Sources for Onomasiological Studies last updated March compiled by Joachim Grzega For bibliographical information I would like to thank Bernd Gliwa Marion Sch? ner Werner Voigt and Viola Vo? For many interesting bibliographical hints on thesauri onomasiological dictionaries from to the late ? s cf Carla Marello ? s article ??The Thesaurus ? in Hausmann Franz Josef et al eds W? rterbücher Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft Berlin de Gruyter vol p - N B Additions since December appear in red ink The Main Etymological Dictionaries and Thesauri of Various Languages in the World Note For many languages in the world etymological dictionaries do not exist Therefore this list also includes regular dictionaries with English as the compared language which occasionally include etymological remarks such entries are preceded by an asterisk N B There is also an entry ??crosslinguistic ? ACHUMAWI Olmsted David L Achumawi Dictionary Berkeley University of California Press AGUARUNA Larson Mildred L Vocabulario Aguaruna de Amazonas Perú Instituto Lingüístico de Verano AHI Liétard Alfred Vocabulaire Français-Lo- Lo Dialecte A-Hi Toung Pao ALBANIAN Meyer Gustav Etymologisches W? rterbuch der albanischen Sprache Strassburg Trübner Snoj Marko Rückl? u ?ges W? rterbuch der albanischen Sprache Hamburg Buske AMBRYM Paton W F Ambrym Lonwolwol Dictionary Canberra Australia Department of Linguistics The Australian National University AMHARIC Leslau Wolf Concise Amharic Dictionary Amharic-English English-Amharic Berkeley University of California Press ARMENIAN Hübschmann Heinrich Armenische Grammatik I Armenische Etymologie Leipzig Breitkopf H? rtel BAHNARIC Jacq Pascale Sidwell Paul Comparative West Bahnaric Dictionary München LINCOM BALTIC CTrautmann Reinhold Baltisch-slawisches W? rterbuch G? ttingen Vandenhoeck Ruprecht BASQUE L? pelmann Martin Etymologisches W? rterbuch der baskischen Sprache Berlin de Gruyter BAUCHI Cosper Ronald Barawa Lexicon A Wordlist of Eight South Bauchi West Chadic Languages Boghom Buli Dott Geji Jimi Polci Sayanci and Zul Munich LINCOM BIKOL Mintz Malcolm W Bikol Dictionary Honolulu University Press of Hawaii BILOXI Dorsey James Owen Swanton John R A Dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin Washington Gov print o ? BOGHOM Cosper Ronald Barawa Lexicon A Wordlist of Eight South Bauchi West Chadic Languages Boghom Buli Dott Geji Jimi Polci Sayanci and Zul Munich LINCOM BOKO Jones Ross Boko Dictionary München LINCOM BOKOBARU Jones Ross Bokobaru Dictionary München LINCOM BONTOK IGOROT Clapp Walter Clayton A Vocabulary of the Igorot Languages as Spoken by the Bontok Igorots Manila Bureau of Printing BRETON Henry Victor Lexique étymologique des termes les plus usuels du breton moderne Rennes J Plihon et L Hervé BULGARIAN Ivanov Iordan N - B ?lgarski dialekten atlas So ?ja Izdat na Bulgarska Akad na Naukite Georgiev Vladimir I - B ?lgarski etimologi ?en Re ?nik So ?ja Bulgarska Akad na Naukite Mladenov Stefan Etimologi ?eskii pravopisen re ?nik na b ?lgarskija knioven ezik So ?ja Christo G Danov BULI Cosper Ronald Barawa Lexicon A Wordlist of Eight South Bauchi West Chadic Languages Boghom Buli Dott Geji Jimi Polci Sayanci and Zul Munich LINCOM BURUSHAKI a ?ule Ilija Basic Burushaki Etymologies Munich
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- Publié le Jui 26, 2021
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- Langue French
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