English b higher level paper 1 anglais b niveau superieur epreuve 1 ingles b nivel superior prueba 1

SPEC ABENG HP ENG TZ XX English B ?? Higher level ?? Paper Anglais B ?? Niveau supérieur ?? Épreuve Inglés B ?? Nivel superior ?? Prueba Specimen paper Spécimen d ? épreuve Examen de muestra hour minutes heure minutes hora minutos Instructions to candidates ? Do not turn over this examination paper until instructed to do so ? Complete one task ? The maximum mark for this examination paper is marks Instructions destinées aux candidats ? Ne retournez pas cette épreuve avant d ? y être autorisé e ? Réalisez une t? che ? Le nombre maximum de points pour cette épreuve d ? examen est de points Instrucciones para los alumnos ? No dé la vuelta al examen hasta que se lo autoricen ? Realice una de las tareas ? La puntuación máxima para esta prueba de examen es puntos pages páginas ? International Baccalaureate Organization C ?? ?? SPEC ABENG HP ENG TZ XX Complete one task Use an appropriate text type from the options below the task you choose Write to words You recently had an experience where you felt discriminated against and you want to express your views to others Write a text in which you explain what happened why you felt the treatment you received was wrong and how you would like to have been treated Journal entry Opinion column Speech KH H FHVV FRQVXPSWLRQ RI MXQN IRRG LV RQ WKH ULVH LQ RXU WRZQ ZKLFK PD K on residents ? health You would like to inform the residents about this issue Write a text in which you explain the problem how it can be overcome and why it is important to take action Blog Pamphlet Speech You were accepted at two universities and you are not sure which one you will join You need to clarify your thoughts in order to reach a decision Write a text in which you compare and contrast WKH R ? HUV UHFHLYHG IURP WKH XQLYHUVLWLHV DQG HYDOXDWH WKHP LQ UHODW Blog Journal entry Pamphlet CSPEC ABENG HP ENG TZ XX L English B ?? Higher level ?? Paper ?? Listening comprehension Anglais B ?? Niveau supérieur ?? Épreuve ?? Compréhension orale Inglés B ?? Nivel superior ?? Prueba ?? Comprensión auditiva Specimen paper Spécimen d ? épreuve Examen de muestra Candidate session number Numéro de session du candidat Número de convocatoria del alumno h Instructions to candidates ? Write your session number in the boxes above ? Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so ? Answer all questions ? Answers must be written within the answer boxes provided ? Answers may be written at any time during the examination ? There will be three audio texts All answers must be based on the appropriate audio texts ? There will be four minutes of reading time at the start of each audio text ? Each audio text will be played twice There will be a two-minute pause before each audio text is repeated ?

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