Fam guide Progress A Family Guide to Response to Intervention RtI Support Education Learn S chools are committed to helping all children succeed They have many ways to help children who are struggling to learn and need additional supports to be successful

Progress A Family Guide to Response to Intervention RtI Support Education Learn S chools are committed to helping all children succeed They have many ways to help children who are struggling to learn and need additional supports to be successful Response to Intervention RtI is one form of support This booklet reviews the basic components of any RtI process and includes questions you might want to ask your child ? s school to learn more about their RtI process Also included are ways you can get involved in the process and what to do and where to go if you have questions or concerns What is RtI RtI is a multi-step process of providing educational support and instruction to children who are struggling learners Individual children ? s progress is monitored and results are used to make decisions about further instruction and intervention RtI is most commonly used in addressing problems with reading and math but it can also used in other areas The RtI process is exible and designed by school districts to meet the needs of their students What does the RtI process look like The RtI process typically has three tiers Each tier provides di ?ering levels of support In Tier I all students receive high quality curriculum and instruction in the regular education classroom The teacher assists all learners In Tier II the school provides interventions to students who need more support than they are receiving from the general curriculum In Tier III students are given individualized instruction What are the key components to any RtI process The key component to any RtI process is all children receive high quality curriculum and instruction in the regular education classroom Tier I Another component of any RtI process is that the school conducts universal screenings Universal screenings review the progress of all students through state and district test scores or other academic screenings given to all students Universal screenings help schools identify students who may need more support or other types of instruction As a result of universal screening students may be identi ?ed as needing targeted assistance a Tier II level of support in addition to the high quality instruction they are receiving in Tier I Research based interventions are used to support students in the area they are struggling Research based interventions are teaching strategies or methods that have been proven to be e ?ective in helping children learn There are many di ?erent kinds of interventions and instruction that can happen in the classroom outside the classroom or in small groups A nother key component to the RtI process is progress monitoring Progress monitoring is a way for teachers to take a snapshot of how children are doing on a speci ?c skill It shows how well the intervention is working It includes observations tests and other formal and informal assessments Progress monitoring helps determine whether an intervention is successful or needs to be changed Formal guidelines for progress monitoring should be developed by the

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