Green guide Errata for ASHRAE GreenGuide The Design Construction and Operation of Sustainable Buildings February Page fourth paragraph ? The SI conversion for ?? ft ? in line should not read ?? m ? but ?? m ? ? The SI conversion for ?? per square foot ? i
Errata for ASHRAE GreenGuide The Design Construction and Operation of Sustainable Buildings February Page fourth paragraph ? The SI conversion for ?? ft ? in line should not read ?? m ? but ?? m ? ? The SI conversion for ?? per square foot ? in line should be listed as ?? per square meter ? Page last paragraph The SI conversions for the temperatures in lines and should be listed as indicated F C F C F C Page ? The ?rst equation is listed in I-P units only It should also be listed in SI units Qs L s ?T ? The second equation is listed in I-P units only It should also be listed in SI units Qs L s ?T ? The fourth and ?fth equations are listed in I-P units only They should also be listed in SI units QL L s ?W where the units for ?W are g kg ? The footnote should be deleted as the formulas in SI units have been added Page ? The fourth equation is listed in I-P units only It should also be listed in SI units mkW --- --- ---L --- - --s -- - -- -F- ?--a--P-n--- -k--M--P--o-a--t-o- -- r----s-D-g---r --i--v--e- - -- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -----k---P----a--- -- --- ---- kW ? In the numerator of the last fraction of the ?fth equation ?? ? should read ?? ? ? The ?fth sixth and seventh equations are listed in I-P units only They should also be listed in SI units -m-----k---W------ mkW ? -FF---ll--oo---ww---- - ? ---m-----k---W------- -- kW ? - - -- - -- - -- - -- - ? mkW kW ?kW ?? kW CPage Figure The SI conversions for ?? F ? and ?? F ? should be listed as ?? F ? and ?? F ? respectively Page Table - The SI units in row ??System design ? and column ??Reality Checks ? are listed as ??L min m ? and ??L s ton ? but should be listed as ??L s m ? and ??L s kWR ? respectively Page seventh item ? The SI conversions for ?? square feet per acre ? and ?? mile area ? in the seventh item should be listed as ?? square meter per hectacre ? and ?? kilometers ? respectively ? The SI conversions for ?? mile ? and ?? mile ? in the ninth item should be listed as ?? km ? and ?? km ? respectively Page Figure - ? The top half of the ?gure should list the SI conversion for ?? Gallon ? as ?? Litre ? ? The bottom half of the ?gure currently shows I-P units only It should also include SI units Labels in yr gal gal yr mm yr L kL yr Y-Axes gal gal gal gal gal gal gal in in L L L L L L L mm mm in in in in in
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- Publié le Mai 13, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 39.2kB