Guide certificate 1 r L NM I No t-t a i JR ?jcr cr ttt gq ttl itRftq qRqtf ti t Lalit Narayan Mishra Institute of Economic Development and Social Change Patna JAWAHARLAL NEHRU MARG PATNA - INDIA - Date DR CHANDRA SINGH Professor L N M L Patna Guide Certi

r L NM I No t-t a i JR ?jcr cr ttt gq ttl itRftq qRqtf ti t Lalit Narayan Mishra Institute of Economic Development and Social Change Patna JAWAHARLAL NEHRU MARG PATNA - INDIA - Date DR CHANDRA SINGH Professor L N M L Patna Guide Certi ?cate ? c - This is to certify that this Project report title A Brief Study of E ?ectiveness of Channel of distribution of Pepsi Products in Patna ? has been prepared by RASHID HUSSAIN Roll No- Session- - Student of MBA Marketing of this Institute under my supervision and guidance The content of this project reported is based on the research and investigation Attitude and Interest shown in compilation of his study is highly appreciable I recommend this project report for evaluation and wish success for his future in corporate world DR CHANDRA SINGH Phone - Fax website www lnmipat ac in e-mail -lnmipat gmail com BIHAR GOVERNMENT AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTE AFFILIATED TO ARYABHATTA KNOWLEDGE UNIVERSITY PATNA UNDER SECTION F AND OF THE UGC ACT APPROVED BY AICTE RECOGNISED AND AIDED BY THE H R D GOVT OF INDIA C

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