Guide cad standards USF Facilities Management April CTHIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK University of South Florida AutoCAD Standards CCAD STANDARDS Table of Contents SECTION THE PURPOSE OF USING USF CAD STANDARDS Why the University has Data Standards Sco
USF Facilities Management April CTHIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK University of South Florida AutoCAD Standards CCAD STANDARDS Table of Contents SECTION THE PURPOSE OF USING USF CAD STANDARDS Why the University has Data Standards Scope of the CAD Data Standards Who Must Use the Standards SECTION CAD ENVIRONMENT Basic CAD Software CAD Application Software Files Translation and Submission SECTION REQUESTING CAD DATA FROM THE UNIVERSITY How to Request Data Communication about the CAD Standards Suggestions for the Standards SECTION DELIVERABLES REQUIRED BY THE UNIVERSITY Delivery of a Hardcopy Set Delivery of CAD Files Vector Files Delivery of PDF Files Raster Files Required Checklist Digital Media Labeling Validation of Delivered Materials Ownership and Rights of Data SECTION TYPES OF CAD FILES Model Files Sheet Files SECTION DRAWING FILE NAMES SHEET NUMERATION Drawing File Naming Guidelines Sheet Numeration Method SECTION DRAWING LAYER DESCRIPTION Layer Standards Layer Formats Drawing Layer Chart SECTION DRAWING SETUP Drawing Units Accuracy Scale Origins and Registration of CAD Data Files Entities and Graphic Representation Saved State of CAD Model Files University of South Florida AutoCAD Standards C Plotting Title Blocks Borders Title Block Sheet Sizes Required Information Required Title Block Information Title Sheet Information Project Manual Speci ?cations SECTION SYMBOLOGY AND COMPOSITION Line Types Line Type Scale Line Weight and Color Text and Fonts Annotation Dimensions XREF External Reference Files Blocks Hatching SECTION ROOM NUMBERING GUIDELINES Room Number Matrix Room Numbering Examples Floor Levels Numbering Patterns Signage GLOSSARY INDEX OF ATTACHMENTS EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC FILE SUBMISSION CHECKLIST University of South Florida AutoCAD Standards CSECTION THE PURPOSE OF USING USF CAD STANDARDS Computer ? Aided Design CAD is an accepted tool for producing the documentation required for construction and management of facilities it also provides for a common medium of information exchange In fact the true power and potential of CAD is the ability to re ? use and share the information contained within the CAD document The key to realizing this potential is common organizing principles and standards for the production and dissemination of CAD information The standard organization of ?les layers and entities as well as standardized software applications is essential for e ?ective work and communication Standards are necessary to ensure that ? CAD drawings and data created in one phase e g design are readily usable in subsequent phases e g facility management space management ? Drawings and data are applicable for their intended use ? Drawings and data are compatible with the available CAD equipment and software ? Drawings and data created for one project or project discipline are compatible with those created for others ? Drawings and data can be transferred and integrated with other applications such as facility management and space management ? Drawings and data created in one department of the University are consistent with those developed by the other departments ? The compatibility of the University ? s CAD drawings and data with pertinent national international and industry standards are maintained The University's CAD standards are based on industry standards
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- Publié le Jul 25, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 134.6kB