Editing documents with polaris office you can create new documents in

Editing Documents With POLARIS O ?ce you can create new documents in doc and docx formats or edit your documents with ease However the format of new documents is provided as docx only C ? Free draw ? You can draw a shape table with a pen ? Insert ? You can insert an object ? Properties ? You can adjust the properties of an object ? Menu ? You can call up the menu This menu icon disappears in the device sup porting ? Hardware menu button ? Selecting Text To select a word or a paragraph double tap the screen and then move left right points to precisely adjust the area you want to select CCut Copy Paste Select a text and the ? Cut Copy Paste ? menu appears next to the text you selected Choose ? Paste ? on the menu after copying the selected text and you can paste the selected text into the position where the cursor is Font Formatting Click the ? Properties ? icon in the Title bar after selecting text and the Properties panel appears at the bottom of the screen You can change the size color e ?ect font background color style etc of the text Paragraph Formatting Click the ? Properties ? icon in the Title bar after selecting text and the Properties panel appears at the bottom of the screen You can change the alignment spacing indentation bullet points etc of the paragraph Insert Object Tap the Insert icon in the Title bar and select the icon for the type of obje ct you want to insert such as image shape table or chart You can inse rt images shapes tables or charts by selecting them in the Gallery or in sert images by taking a picture using the camera on your device CObject Format Select the object for which you want to change the format and then tap the Properties icon in the Title bar to bring up the properties panel for each object You can set the Brightness Contrast Transparency and Shadow of images the Color Border D Rotation and Alignment of shapes and the Shape Layout and Style of tables and charts Insert Header Footer Tap the Menu icon in the Title bar and then select Page Layout to insert t he header footer or page number You can insert text and images in th e header footer Insert Footnote Endnote Place the cursor on the position where the footnote endnote will be insert ed tap the Insert icon in the Title bar and tap the Footnote or Endnote ic on to insert a footnote or endnote Footnotes are displayed at the bottom of the page and endnotes are displayed at the end of the document Select Multiple Objects Select an object such as an image shape or chart to display the pop-u p menu Tap the Multi Select icon in the pop-up menu and then tap multi ple objects to select multiple objects at

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  • Détails
  • Publié le Mar 12, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 23.2kB