Heidegger bibliography pdf

PREFACE for DFJ Begun in the year after the death of Martin Heidegger the following bibliography is for the use of students of his thought whose ?rst language is English This Bibliography of English Translations of the Writigs of Martin Heidegger details the history of translations into English of Heidegger ? s books essays lecture courses book reviews poetry and letters - It begins with a list of the volumes of the Heidegger Gesamtausgabe GA - published to date to which the entries are keyed The ??Master Bibliography ? is followed by a ??Supplemental Bibliography Heidegger and Politics ? and a bibliography of ??Unpublished Translations ? available online It concludes with two lists of the translators the ?rst keyed to an alphanumeric code at the end of each entry and the other giving the titles of the translators ? contributions For the scholar ? s convenience several other bibliographies have been created Two give the original German titles of the translated texts the ?rst II arranged alphabetically by title the other III given by date of composition of the text Bibliography IV gives the table of contents for each of the published volumes of the Gesamtausgabe Since Heidegger ? s lecture courses - and seminars - occupy a signi ?cant portion of Heidegger ? s published works two further bibliographies have been prepared one V listing the courses and seminars in chronological order of having been o ?ered the other VI listing them by date of ?rst publication in German A bibliography of video and audio materials VII is given last Apart from some audio books in English all but one are audio recordings Earlier version of this bibligography appeared in my study of Heidegger ? s philosophy of translation Translating Heidegger Amherst Humanity Books in my books The Voice that Thinks Heidegger Studies Greensburg Eadmer Press and Preparatory Thinking in Heidegger ? s Teaching New York Philosophical Library and in manuscripts held by the New York Public Library and the library of St Vincent College and Archabbey Miles Groth April New York CI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS - Each entry presents four kinds of information about books essays lecture courses book reviews and poems by Martin Heidegger that have been translated into English A Title and translator s Here are given the title s of English translation s A B C etc date of ?rst appearance of the translation and translator s B History of the text Occasion of composition Texts in B preceded by are available in an audio or video version listed in bibliography VII ?? Video and Audio Recordings ?? C German source s Given here are a reference to the ?rst publication in German and the current German source s usually a volume in GA D English source s Publication references corresponding to the listing s in A A B C etc including the most current edition of the source s Titles in D preceded by are bilingual Entries in the bibliography are alphabetized by

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