Install guide 2 torotools es Install Guide Version ?? ir ?? ird en CIndex Overview Installing torotools on JBoss Deploying EAR Con ?guring JAAS Properties ?le optional Database optional Starting torotools Appendix A Supported Third-Party Software Database

torotools es Install Guide Version ?? ir ?? ird en CIndex Overview Installing torotools on JBoss Deploying EAR Con ?guring JAAS Properties ?le optional Database optional Starting torotools Appendix A Supported Third-Party Software Database Management System Database - Oracle charset UTF- Database - PostgreSQL charset UTF- Application Server Operating System Java Development Kit JBoss Web Browsers Recommended Others supported Web Browsers Mobile Recommended Appendix B JBoss Con ?guration Appendix C Installing torotools with Oracle PostgreSQL Oracle PostgreSQL Appendix D Known issues Jboss Final Jboss Final atmosphere C Overview This document provides the instructions needed for installing torotools into JBoss Application Server Installing torotools on JBoss Please follow the steps bellow Make sure you already read the Appendix-A for third party software required Please also read the known issues appendix Deploying EAR ? Copy the BUDUJ EE ear ?le into JBOSSHOME server default deploy Con ?guring JAAS torotools uses JAAS for authentication purposes Of course you can create and use your own JAAS login module if needed but torotools comes with a default JAAS login module to con ?gure security inside the product To con ?gure JAAS default login module open the ?le JBOSSHOME server default conf logincon ?g xml and add the following lines true Properties ?le optional All passwords stored in database are encrypted For security reasons the key-string for encryption is not stored on database so you have to create a new ?le named JBOSSHOME bin torotools properties containing a keystring with the appropriate format for instance KEYSTRING - - - - - - - CThe keystring listed is an example modify it for your security If you do not provide this key a default value will be used but please understand that once the server is installed the keystring cannot be changed Database optional torotools includes a built-in HSQLDB HyperSQL DataBase database for testing purposes For production environments we highly recommend to con ?gure torotools to use an external database Please review Appendix C for instructions about con ?guring torotools with Oracle or PostgreSQL C Starting torotools Execute JBOSSHOME bin run sh -b on Linux Execute JBOSSHOME bin run bat -b on Windows by default JBoss will only listen on the localhost network adapter Starting JBoss with the -b option will override this Open a browser in the server where JBoss is installed and access the following URL http localhost torotools The following screen will appear Please read the license just an standard AGPL and proceed with next step CFor some minutes the database will be installing Please stand by and proceed to next step as soon as it gets to torotools needs a local directory for compilation and temporal data store purposes If you don ? t provide this information all that info will be stored inside JBOSS HOME bin so we highly recommend to specify a separate directory in Work Directory ?eld Please also specify the url and port for that will be used for accessing the server in Server Address for instance http yourcompany

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  • Publié le Dec 28, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 48.6kB